
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring & Fabulous French Fashion Plates

I've been obsessed with antique fashion lately.
It started with Pinterest

A huge portions of my pins are of antique fashion...

I'm just enamored with the beauty & intricacies of these vintage designs. 

So, once I discovered these antique, French Fashion Plates
on Pinterest, it was like Ohhhh La La...

Swoooooon...I'm in LOVE!

All from the 1800's, these plates give us a glimpse of the past
& a look into the lives of the aristocratic women of the time.

Since spring & summer is typically wedding season,
I tried to include as many wedding dress plates as I could find.

So sit back with your cup of java or a glass of sweet tea
& let the drooling begin...

You can peruse this entire collection of fashion plates at
The Los Angeles Public Library.
I'm excited about some upcoming possibilities that have presented
themselves to us. Not quite ready to share yet, but I would
love it if y'all would cross your fingers or say a prayer
that what ever is meant to be for us, will be!

You know y'all are 'The Wind Beneath My Wings', right!



  1. Soooooo pretty! But, those fashions look very restrictive don't they? I like the loose sutff like our Pearl better don't you??? :) HUGS!

  2. Thank you for the fashion show! Very beautiful!!!


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