
Monday, August 13, 2012

Flyin Solo at Mission San Juan Capistrano

Happy Monday Friends...

This past week has been a busy one for me, with LOTS of driving up
& down the mountain, taking care of family & celebrating with friends...

but I did manage a small solo trip, just for me at one of my favorite
places in all the world, Mission San Juan Capistrano. The
mission was founded in 1776 by Father Junipero Serra.

It was unplanned, a spur of the moment, impulsive trip...
the very best kind if you ask me!

I was already at my Daddy's house in Laguna Hills & San Juan Capistrano
is just down the road from him. I woke up early & thought I would
beat the heat & leave immediately...what a stellar idea!!

I was one of the first visitors there & I pretty much had the
entire place to myself & I LOVED it!!

I have lots of little, odd quirks as many of you know & one of them
is I don't like to have random people in my photographs.
I KNOW, totally quirky & peculiar right..I told you.

So this morning was particularly magical...

bright sunshine, blue sky, a 250 year old mission & me & my camera!

My new little tiny pocket camera...a Samsung ST66.

Doesn't it take lovely photographs!!

I still love my BIG camera, but I needed a little 'sumthin' to throw
in my purse JUST for occasions like this & no..
I don't own an iphone. I know...loser, right! lol

So, I hope you enjoy the tour of Mission San Juan Capistrano.
Our California missions are some of the oldest & most historical
sites in Cali. There are 21 of them up the coast, starting in
San Diego & ending above San Francisco.

Yes, I'm a mission FREAK, so I've seen all of them but 2 & those are
both on my Bucket List, along with Paris.  ;)

The Great Stone Church...

The 'Miracle of the Swallows' takes place every year in March
as these loyal little birds wing their way back home, from a winter
spent in Argentina. 

Do you think this grape vine might be really old???

Clusters of grapes hanging everywhere...

Ancient Cactus...

The water lily's were magnificent!!

It was such a lovely day, but I was hot & tired after walking through
the mission & across the street was the perfect place for me to cool
down & have a refreshing drink...



  1. Such a beautiful and peaceful place and stunning photos! I toured the missions around San Antonio, Texas. They were so lovely... and full of grace...

  2. Beautiful photos! They remind me a bit of the missions in San Antonio.

    Like you, I'm a sucker for missions, churches, forts, and even cemeteries.

    Good for you to get away for a bit. And don't worry about not having an iphone because I don't have one either and don't want one.

  3. Great post Susie! I have always wanted to go to San Juan Capistrano to see the swallows as I've heard the stories. And your photos are stunning! I too need a new "LITTLE" camera as the big SLR is just too heavy for everyday carrying. The small one I bought took horrible photos so thanks for sharing the tip on the Samsung. Have a great week

  4. Your photos are stunning; thank you for the tour of the mission! I haven't been there since I was a little girl--


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