
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Ugly Truth...

Hope y'all had a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!
I had a 3 day Yard Sale, which kept me busy & made me some
extra $$$. What a great combination, right!

With a title like 'The Ugly Truth', you must be expecting some juicy
morsels of scandal or at the very least some torrid trouble that I've
gotten myself into, but what I'm going to share with you is a little
bit of movie TRIVIA. My brother & sister-in-law live in the 1930
apartment that Katherine Heigl lived in the movie, 'The Ugly Truth'!

This cracks me up...I found this picture on the internet of a random girl
standing in front of their apartments under the title,
I am NOT a STALKER. lol

Now, their apartment is not just one of the apartments in this
quint, California bungalow style, courtyard setting...

it is THE apartment they filmed 'The Ugly Truth' in.

Kinda CoooooL, right!  ;)

Sooo, since I'm their family & you're my friends...
you get a personal tour of this awesome little jewel, with all the charm
& character that only a 1930, Los Feliz home could have.

This is Pichu, catching some of the rays of light filtering
in through the gorgeous leaded windows.
{can you see my brother's reflection in the window?}

OK, leaded, stained & bayed windows... Aweeeeeeeee.

I have to go to a post office to get my mail, not only is this mail box
awesomely vintage, the mail lands on their floor...must be nice!

Their view into the courtyard, no wonder Pichu loves sitting here.

A Peek~A~Boo window in the front door, too cute.

This architectural detail goes all the way around the living room,
absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

What was once a phone box, see the shelf below for the phone book?

Here it is in the background of a scene with Gerard Butler & Kathrine Heigl.
The dining room is through the arch behind them...

& the corner cabinet built~ins & old windows in there are to die for.

The original old ice box that is tiled into the kitchen,
how cool is that?

The kitchen is completely tiled with soft yellow tiles & has a built~in
mirror/medicine cabinet & a little space to put your sponge.
I forgot to get a picture of the tiny milk bottle door,
where the milkman would leave your milk.
Those were the days!

The huge downstairs bathroom window.

A gorgeous upstairs nook with a built~in linen this!

This is the subtle design that goes around the walls of the
master bedroom. All the little added details that
no one takes the time to make anymore.

The base of the built~in vanity. I didn't want to include the top, as it
had personal items on it, but it is AMAZING. It has a vintage
round mirror, with great drawers & cabinets. I would love
to get ready for my day sitting here.

The Spanish style baloney over looking their courtyard &
gorgeous bougainvillea, a California staple. 

The view looking down into the courtyard...

not too shabby!!!

I love this sweet baptismal font, or maybe it's just
a bird bath, but it's perfect.

Headin down the Famous Stairs, which were featured in the movie...

yeah, I was standin there a minute ago. I think I was taking
up a little more space then Katherine, but I was standin right there! lol

Well, that's 'The Ugly Truth' friends.
The Ugly Truth is that I ADORE my brother & sister~in~laws new
apartment & think I need to live in one of the units right across from
theirs. Wouldn't that be so fun? It could be my CITY crib.



  1. I loved the tour Susie! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. That is an amazing place! Loved the movie, too. They sure are lucky to have snagged this!

    Thank you for sharing, I loved every detail.

  3. WOW!!! Thanks for the tour SP! I adore all the little details. And does that little fridge still work? 2CUTE! And those window... be still my heart. And the courtyard... They scored big time & I'm glad I know somebody who knows somebody! Thanks for sharing. Hope you'll stop by my blog & visit too! HUGS!

  4. It's gorgeous! And quite charming! I adore that window!

  5. hmmmm, I haven't seen that movie, now I'll HAVE to!!! Too much fun and the sweetest apartment ever.


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