
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Perfectly Imperfect

I've been trying my hand at soldering the last few weeks,
dwelling in a place where I've never felt quite comfortable.
As with most things in my life, I am my OWN teacher.
I wander the internet searching for clues, but in the end
I know it's just me & my soldering iron taking this journey.

With every brush of flux & every pass of my iron,
this foreign place begins to feel like home.
The fear subsides & is replaced with reluctant confidence.
I let go of the idea of perfection & embrace the joy of creation
& learn to do exactly what my dear friend told me...

to find the beauty in the Perfectly Imperfect.
I LOVE the smell of soldering...


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

KC Willis Taught Me This!

It's Hump Day all ready!
Sweet Hearts, where does the time go...I mean really.
I do have to admit, I know where a significant
portion of my time has been going lately...Pinterest, that's where.
But I also have to tell you, since I've started hangin out there...
I've been more INSPIRED, more CREATIVE
& more artistically PRODUCTIVE, then I have in years.
It just gets my creative juices FLOWING!
Regardless, I know too much of a Good Thing can be bad,
so I'm thinking about starting a monthly support group.
Would any of you be interested in joining?
Hi my name is Susie & I PIN!  ;)

Y'all may remember that I was lucky enough to take a KC Willis
Workshop last fall when KC was in So Cali & it was Fab U Lous!!!
She shared all her secrets with us on how to make her amazing, fabric
collages & I fell in love with all the textures & images &
the vintage feel of these pieces of art.

This past Christmas, I made five collages for some very special
loved one's in my life & I wanted to share them with you.
The one above was made for my brother & sister-in-law in Baltimore.
Fort McHenry, The Star Spangled Banner, the largest US flag ever made,
the East Coast & HISTORY, all the things that come to mind when
thinking of their home.
{I hand-tinted the black & white photo in Photoshop}

I made this one for my dear friend Susan...
we found each other on Facebook a few years back & I've
know her since we were in the fourth grade.
We went to school together, were in Girl Scouts together,
so many wonderful memories.

And this one I made for ME!
I LOVE KC's Annie Oakley Collages & I just HAD to have one
for myself. Some of my favorite elements are on this, vintage
horse riding ribbons, a Sandy Schor metal frame, an old's perfect.
KC Willis will be back in So Cal in March having a 2 day
Studio Retreat in Huntington Beach.

The first one is March 24, 2012 from 10~4pm

The second one is March 25, 2012 from 10~4pm

So gather up all your favorite heirloom treasures that you've been
saving & I hope to see you this spring in HB hangin with KC,
cuz I'll tell you what...
this girl INSPIRES!!!
