
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Empress Alexandra...A New Paperdoll For A New Year!

It's 2013,
A Brand New Year,
A Brand New Start & Anything is Possible!
Don't you just LOVE the idea of that?

I thought I wanted to start over with a brand new blog home for
the New Year, but I guess I started wondering WHY?

I've made such wonderful friends here, my most intimate thoughts
have been posted here, this is my home. So I went in & deleted
some of my frivolous posts, took out unneeded pictures
& here I shall stay, with a fresh look for a fresh
New Year!!!

So, what will be my new pursuits in the New Year,
what are some of my New Possibilities?

to create a balance between my mind & body,
to LISTEN to what my body is telling me.

'Spoonin' Love...
I am going to really invest myself in my craft,
get a website up, work on my catalog & head into the
New Year with a clear business plan, Grow My Business.

Paperdoll Love...
I adore creating & making paperdolls. I know,
it's crazy but true! I was so excited when right
before New Year's Eve, I sold two of them on etsy
to some one in Australia. My paperdolls have now
officially seen more of the world then I have! lol
This is me...Following My Bliss.

Oh, by the way, this is my NEW Paperdoll for the New Year...
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Romanov,
grand~daughter to Queen Victoria & the Last Tsarina of Russia.
You can find out more about her tragic fairytale by clicking
HERE & here she is on my etsy!!!
She's my new favorite & I think her little Grand Duchesses
& the next Tsarevich may be next, we'll see. If you have any
requests or idea's of a fun paperdoll you may be interested
in, let me know. I'm always up for a new idea!!! :)))

Looking FORWARD to the exciting year ahead...
I hope you are too!!!


1 comment:

  1. I love the Tsarina! She is so lovely as you made her and her history is so unique! :)



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