
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Here's the Soup I Sent!

Hi Soupers!!
Tina of Winged Imp got her beads yesterday,
so I can now show y'all what I sent her.

First, I threw in a few pieces from my 'SPOONIN' jewelry
line, cuz it's always so much easier to eat soup
when you've got a SPOON!  :)

Then I added some of my favorite colored beads
in luscious coppers & browns...

aquas & turquoise made from stone & glass,
the subtle, beautiful colors of nature.

And just for fun, I added some bird nests, vintage coins,
silver Milagros, wood beads, sari silk & vintage lace.
What fun...I can't wait to see what amazing design's
Tina comes up with & to sit down with all my
goodies & start makin my necklace.

Check back for more Bead Soup soon,
our reveal date is in April, now
to start designing!!



  1. Love this earthy, luscious combo of elements! Gonna check back to see how Tina is inspired by them, and also to see what you cook up with her mixed bag of goodies!! Have fun:-)

  2. Yep, these are definitely fantastic soup ingredients -- started the cooking process last night, so stay tuned.... :-)

    Thank you so much, Susie, for providing just the right kick that my muse needed!

  3. Great soup! Love the spoons!!

    I’m part of the bead soup party. Looking forward to the reveals. I'm now following you. I have a new blog. Please consider following my jewelry blog. Thanks.


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