
Friday, February 1, 2013

Paper Dolls Headin to Finland!!!

Happy TGIF Sweet Friends!
Say HI to my new Victorian Paper Doll...
this girl has a HABIT, a RIDING HABIT that is!! ;)

This has been a tough week for Daddy had a hip replacement
& has been suffering some complications from it. I've been going back
& forth to the hospital & have been so worried about him. But I was
very excited this morning to wake up to 2 separate paperdoll orders!
Two dolls are headed to a new customer in Helsinki, Finland & one
doll is on her way to a return customer in Victoria, Australia. How
Absolutely Fabulous is that!!! :)))

Here is another affirmation, that doing what you LOVE & following
your BLISS can lead you in a direction you might have never even
imagined. I make paperdolls & I LOVE it! And guess what, others
have an appreciation for it too & I'm selling them.
Who would have thunk!!! LOL



  1. I'da thunk it. You my sweet are one in a million when it comes to designing. If your mind can thunk becomes a reality. You are amazing.
    You and your daddy are in my prayers daily. Fact're always on my heart and in my prayers.
    Love you,

  2. Hope your Dad is better soon! LOVE the doll! I was back in Cali again but, it was for a friend (really 2 of them) with health issues. Thank goodness the tests came back clear! Take care of yourself as nursing is hard work! Hugs!


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!