
Friday, April 26, 2013

7th Bead Soup Blog Party, Yipppeee!

Howdy Sweet Friends & Sistah Soupers...
Happy Bead Soup Party Day to y'all!

Yes, today is the 3rd Reveal date for our lovely hostess,

Throwing this party is a GINORMOUS undertaking, especially
with over 500 participants this year. I just want to start off by
thanking Lori for coming up with this idea & for all her
hard work in getting us organized & ready to

My partner this year is the very talented Miss Tina Noonan
of Winged Imp Designs & Blog. She sent me a fabulous soup,
filled with so many fun things it was hard to choose what to make.
But right from the get go, a couple ingredients had me at HELLO,
like the wonderful grouping above! LOVE the color in these beads.

My eye was also caught by the Root Beer colored, vintage
Lucite triangular focal piece & portion of a drawer pull. To
see the entire SOUP sent to me by Tina, you can check out
my post HERE!

I started with the focal & since I've been kinda obsessed with sari silk
& vintage pearl, bird's nests lately, {I add them to EVERYTHING}
I knew I had to throw one on to this piece too.

I then drilled a couple of extra holes in the Lucite to attach
a soldered piece I made with beveled glass called 'Sisters'.

After mixing some of her beads, with some of my
beads, I wire wrapped the chain & VIOLA...

a beautiful necklace & earrings that I really do LOVE!
In fact, I'm wearing it out tonight for it's debut.

Thanks so much for stopping by to say hi
& here are the other participants of the 3rd Reveal Date...
I know they would LOVE for you to take a look at what
they have been working hard on too!! :)))

Check HERE for the other talented participants!!!
Thanks again friends & have a FABULOUS Weekend!!!



  1. Love the vintage upcycled vibe!!! Just my thing!!!

  2. That's a fabulous necklace :-D

  3. Yay! Thank you for waking me up! What a fantastic piece you made with Miss Tina's soup. Love the necklace focal.

  4. What a statement piece. You should get great comments on it when you wear it out tonight. I loved it.

  5. What a cool and funky piece! Nice work!

  6. Love your necklace and earrings! I love the extra focal you added - very cool!

  7. What a unique soup. I never would have thought to use the focal that way. Looks like it will be fun to wear.

  8. Love the vintage look, great piece!

  9. What a particular soup and a very nice creation you've made!

  10. Love, love, loving this. I think the sari silk birds nest idea is just divine and I love the vintagey (not sure that is a word) photo that you dangled from your focal. I really need to start looking for some of those pieces as I have a fondness for them and have yet figured out how to do them.

  11. Love your vintage worksssss!!


  12. What a fun and creative necklace. Love the sari bird's nest.

  13. Thank you for visiting my blog and your comment!!!!!! Very nice set you have created in very much your unique style!

  14. I love what you did with the deco fan (the drawer pull?), it really elevates the piece. Yummy!

  15. I'm so impressed with what everyone is making. The tortoise shell brings out the colors of the beads and you handled it in a very original way! Love it!

  16. what a lovely soup! and love what you did with it!

  17. What a cool necklace, love your creativity!

  18. The colors are, to me at least, surprisingly wonderful together. Great work!

  19. Fun and pretty necklaces, I especially love your nest piece!

  20. Lovely, clever design, so creative!

  21. Lovely! Sari silk and upcycling, yay!

  22. Very cool necklace! Love your sari silk and vintage pearl birds' nest - what an original and pretty take on that design.

  23. Wow! That's a real statement piece. I hope you had fun wearing it out for its debut :-)

  24. Awesome necklace, I love love love the pendant with the photo!

  25. What fun sistah! Love your funky jewelry. I'd wear that any day of the week. Congrats!

  26. thats cool. i would wear that necklace full of proud too
    Love the way you have join the different stuff
    Greets Gite

  27. This necklace is sooo cool! You made the focal even more interesting, creating something unique!

  28. fun necklace, whimsical...
    I love your kind of jewels, great design.
    thanks for the inspiration.
    ciao dall' Italia

  29. Great design, lovely necklace.

  30. Lovely and creative necklace! Really nice colour combo too. Well done!

  31. Oh, what a lovely treatment of such fun components! I bet you had a blast playing with all of those juicy colors and textures! The necklace turned out absolutely fantastic!

  32. your big pendant looks really great! Hugs, Doris

  33. I would to try making some of this… I guess it can shows up my artistic side…

    Alva@ Event Design Bristol

  34. Beautiful, funny necklace! And I like the way you build your story with pictures and short text lines. Nice blog!

  35. What an interesting piece, I've never seen anything like it. I like it!

  36. super creative necklace, my fav! congrats!

  37. This is a very unique design. Very lovely! You rocked it!

  38. Oh wow - what a cool necklace design and set of earrings - they're awesome!! Fabulous texture and the colors really are too fun!! lovely soup recipes!!

  39. Amazing necklace. Love what you did with the focal.

  40. Wow, I love what you made from the soup! Congratulations!

  41. Love your soup and love your design! Stunning!

  42. What a fun piece!! That would make me smile all day if I got to wear it. Those Picasso'd (?) beads do rock...might have to see about finding some of those.

  43. Amazing necklace - it's an eye-catch for sure. Love your cooking, Susie :0)

  44. Holy Smokes!! I absolutely, positively adore this necklace and your style. You've created so much interest in one single piece. Wonderful!

  45. Two very beautiful and modern designs. Great work!

  46. Wow, you received some unusual, and great components, and I love what you did with them. Really fun and creative.

  47. So very unique! You did a fantastic job!

  48. Susie your set is very creative and unique. You did an outstanding job with your soup.

  49. Gorgeous! I love the vintage feel! Very pretty piece :)


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!