
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Paper Dolls from the UK!!!

You all KNOW how much I ADORE Paper Dolls, not just
my paper dolls, but ALL paper dolls! So it's been so fun
& exciting watching my fledgling little business take
wings & FLY!

Here's my Miss Jane Austen coming to you from exactly where
she should be, in the UK. Thank you Monika for sharing your
creations with me, for loving my dolls as much as I do & for
inspiring me to add to my repertoire. you've been a JOY!

Look how cute her Victorian Lady turned out, kickin up her
heels, enjoying her champagne & it's TRUE...'Well Behaved
Women Rarely Make History'! Behaving one's self is
highly least I think so. ;)

Check out my Dolly's on Etsy by clicking
or they are also listed in my sidebar.
Thanks for stopping by to say hi friends!


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