
Friday, February 1, 2013

Paper Dolls Headin to Finland!!!

Happy TGIF Sweet Friends!
Say HI to my new Victorian Paper Doll...
this girl has a HABIT, a RIDING HABIT that is!! ;)

This has been a tough week for Daddy had a hip replacement
& has been suffering some complications from it. I've been going back
& forth to the hospital & have been so worried about him. But I was
very excited this morning to wake up to 2 separate paperdoll orders!
Two dolls are headed to a new customer in Helsinki, Finland & one
doll is on her way to a return customer in Victoria, Australia. How
Absolutely Fabulous is that!!! :)))

Here is another affirmation, that doing what you LOVE & following
your BLISS can lead you in a direction you might have never even
imagined. I make paperdolls & I LOVE it! And guess what, others
have an appreciation for it too & I'm selling them.
Who would have thunk!!! LOL
