
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Here's the Soup I Sent!

Hi Soupers!!
Tina of Winged Imp got her beads yesterday,
so I can now show y'all what I sent her.

First, I threw in a few pieces from my 'SPOONIN' jewelry
line, cuz it's always so much easier to eat soup
when you've got a SPOON!  :)

Then I added some of my favorite colored beads
in luscious coppers & browns...

aquas & turquoise made from stone & glass,
the subtle, beautiful colors of nature.

And just for fun, I added some bird nests, vintage coins,
silver Milagros, wood beads, sari silk & vintage lace.
What fun...I can't wait to see what amazing design's
Tina comes up with & to sit down with all my
goodies & start makin my necklace.

Check back for more Bead Soup soon,
our reveal date is in April, now
to start designing!!
