
Saturday, May 17, 2014

'Call The Midwife' & a Vintage Lace Book filled with Nuns & Holy Metals


 Greetings Friends!
Look what I've been doing...
I've been making another one of my fabulous, if I do say so
myself, Vintage Fabric & Lace Books.

 This book is filled with Nuns, Vintage Holy Metals,
Rosaries & Words of Inspiration...
 with my inspiration coming from one of my
favorite shows, 'Call The Midwife'.
 I absolutely ADORE the Sisters in this show!
Not being Catholic, I've never known a
nun except for those I've read about or
seen on TV or in the movies.
 They have always been a mystery to me...
but through the characters on the show, I've come to feel
they are my family, my friends. They are filled with
Grace & Kindness, but also Fragility & Strength.
 These characters are so beautifully written, that
I laugh & cry with them every Sunday...
LOVING each second of it.
In homage to my favorite Sister's at the Nonnatus House...
 I created a book that I hope will be worthy of them.
For Sister Julienne,
Sister Evangelina,
& Sister Monica Joan...
for Nurse Jenny,
Nurse Chummy
Nurse Trixie
& all the other fabulous characters that fill this series...
you have touched me & I ADORE you!
You can see this handmade, one of a kind book
for sale in my etsy shop.

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