
Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Birthday Book & A Hopeful Reunion

Greetings Sweet Friends...
What a wonderful summer we've had this far, so many
adventures shared with loved ones. We just got back
from Casinos in Nevada, National Parks in Utah
& my Sister's Ranch in Colorado, all with
our grandson Kai...the perfect vacation!
But today, I want to tell you about a little book I bought at an
antique store years ago, it's well worn  pages turned so many
times they are now coming apart. It was a gift to Miss Lottie
Burkett on her 19th birthday in 1909. 'The Year And The
Day, A Tennyson Birthday Book' & Lottie filled it in
with all her loved ones births & deaths, all her life.
She got this book before she was married, but
it includes her husband, children &
grandchildren's important dates.
Who could part with such a treasure?
This is a question I have asked myself so many times over
the years, finding myself drawn to vintage record books
but once getting them home & scouring through them,
realizing they are a missing piece to someone's family
 history. And because family history is so important
to me, I can't imagine it not being important
to someone else.
I have attempted to find that person over the years who is a
descendant of Lottie, some one who would treasure this
little book as I have, but to no avail. This morning I had
an idea & the time to actually work it through. I would
create a Family Tree on & research her
family line, hoping to ultimately find a family
member who is also researching her.
Because of Lottie's excellent record keeping, I was able to do
just that...starting with her Grandparent's & taking the tree
down to her Great Grandson, I have now contacted another
Ancestry member to see if they can assist me in reuniting
this amazing family heirloom with it's rightful owner.
{I believe this is Lottie's grandson Arnold}
This is a joy for me to do & a way to pay back the Ancestry
community for the many gifts it has given me, photographs
with faces I thought I would never see, generosity &
kindnesses I can never repay. I'll keep you posted
as to what happens next, it will be exciting! :)


  1. It's a great idea! I really hope that some relative will find what you've put together and put on I look for a relative who emigrated to the USA and I'm looking frequently among others Ancestry family trees. A great tribute to you that you do this.

  2. so interesting about Lottie's book - would love to read the outcome. Nice blog.


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