
Monday, June 22, 2015

European Vacation...Oh MY

Greetings Friends!!!
I'm soooo very excited about my upcoming trip to Europe
this summer, only 3 weeks until Bon Voyage time & I can
hardly wait! I will be spending 6 weeks traveling through
Germany & England & I am truly exhilarated & terrified
all at the same time, is that even possible? ;)
Reasons for my exhilaration are pretty obvious...
Reasons for being terrified are more allusive...
Fear of Flying is at the top of the list,
but you can never go to far off places if you don't get on a plane.
The extended stay is longer then I have ever been away from
my family, my husband, my daughter, my grandson & my cats!
Travelling with family that I really don't know all that well, I'm
kinda they know this about me. Will I have any freak
out moments that might terrify them & make them wish they
hadn't invited ME? Anything's possible!
I have SLEEPING ISSUES...I have sleeping rituals. What if I
never get over my jet lag & can't get on the right time schedule,
it's happened to me before. My father & daughter & I went to
Italy & came back to the hotel at about 3 or 4pm daily, fell
asleep & then woke up every night at 2am. That was an
amazing adventure with insane sleeping patterns. lol
Living for 6 weeks out of a 22' carry-on because we will be
taking many trains & buses & need to travel lightly. I'm pretty
low maintenance, not big on make-up, my hair is easy & I'm
very use to camping, this should be the least of my problems.
{one of my digital designs from my card line, 'Just Sayin'}
One of my very favorite quotes from Mark Twain has
always helped me be braver then I really am...
'Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by
the things you didn't do, than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.'
Yeah, now that's what I'm talkin FEARLESS!
Take advantage of each & every opportunity.
Say YES, even if you want to say no.
Travel outside your comfort zone.
And remember...
Be Adventurous, shed your ordinary life & in the Journey,
maybe something EXTRAORDINARY might happen!!
Life is Amazing!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh lucky you!!! I know you will have lots of fun. Just enjoy yourself.


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