
Thursday, February 28, 2019

I'm Back & Better Then Ever, although a little more GRAY!

For some reason, I woke up this morning feeling like I needed to start
Blogging again. I blogged for years & felt such a sense of community
with my follow bloggers, but after awhile I started feeling that my
voice had faded, that I had said all that I really needed to say,

I'm 10 years older from when I started this journey, my life is completely
different. I remember the day that I picked up my first Artful Blogger
magazine in Baltimore, MD & thought...I have to do THIS! At the time
I own & ran my own antique/baby store, had a 3 year old grandson, spent
an enormous amount of time junkin, looking for new treasures to put in
my shop & was searching for some truths that I finally found.

Now, things are a bit more simple. My husband & I are retired, my grandson
starts high school next year & my passion has become drawing, a strange
thing to pick up out of the blue at 62. Something that has become an actual
QUEST for me, is allowing my hair to just quit hiding under dye
in fear that I might look MY AGE. At 62, more then ever before in my
life, I want to be COMPLETLY My AUTHENTIC Self.

Let's see where this takes us & if I can help any of you do the same thing
through my trials & errors, even better. We can learn along the way,
make mistakes, hit the reset button, find our path together.

Another Journey Begins...



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