
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Custom Blog Headers for Sale on etsy by ME

Well, I've made my very 1st blog headers for sale & listed them in my etsy shop which can be viewed on my sidebar...yippppeeee! The 1st is American Pie & the 2nd is Everything French. I'm following the ideas in 'The Secret' & working on creating my own destiny. {well, at the very least I am TRYING, right! lol} Have any of you read The Secret? What did you think of it? I believe it's basic principles to be true, BELIEVING is the thing, but I also believe that just doing a thing has got to be just as important. So, I'm just doing for now & I'm happy with that. What could you be 'just doing' to get you closer to the destiny you want to create? Let's inspire each other! I'm confident that we will only get better at it, but in the meantime, wish me luck! ;)


  1. Wonderful work! Everything French oh la la!
    Hope all is well with you. By the way I found a Bozo pic for your amusment. Have a great week or what is left of it...then on into the weekend!

  2. What wonderful blog headers!!I too read The Secret and believe in positive energy.I dont always follow thru,but everyday I start again.One of my favorite poems "The Journey"by Mary Oliver starts with.."One day you finally knew what you had to do,and Began"..Warm Regards,Cat


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