
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lovely Lynn, Lambs & Ivy & SIGNATURES

What a GREAT & FUN day I had at my Lambs & Ivy today!!! My dear friend Lynn from Blue Skies who's blog I just created a fresh, new look for, came by the shop today with her beautiful 2 daughters Brenna & Lauren...could they all be any cuter??? I don't think so!!! It was such a pleasure meeting them & we had so much fun talking about all our arting & blogging, I feel we are instant best friends with so much in common. How fun is that...sooooo fun! She also brought me some lovely hand-crafted items that I'm putting in the store that I love, love, love, especially the awesome vintage M&M filled bottle decorated for Valentine's Day with one of my FAVORITE vintage lady perriots on it {above}...Great Minds Think A Like!!! I look forward to many more visits & laughs & craft brain storming adventures...her daughter Lauren even has a talent for making the sweetest paper roses. I have her making me some custom hair combs to sell in the store so she can make some extra $$$'s too. Then when you think things couldn't get better...I learned how to create a digital signature, a new trick of the trade that I can add to my blog design services. I had fun making mine & hope you all love it & if anyone is interested in adding one to their blog, fly over to http://vintagesusiecustomdesign/ & I can make a custom one just for you for $5.00. Just shoot me over an email so we can get started & you TOO can have this little bit of personality at the bottom of your posts!!! LOL So bye for now friends & today...I'm Feeling The Love! ;)


  1. Did I mention that I love my new signature?? Girl, you are just the BEST!!!!
    We had so much fun with you and cannot WAIT to come back!!
    love you!

  2. Susie, I am sooo excited for you! I'm here in AZ now and catching up on reading posts. you have been BUSY, in a GOOD, and FUN way! Your work is fabulous!
    I looked at your other site although THE LINK ABOVE is not working, you forgot part of it.
    You're going to have a great 2010!
    I have lots to do to my blog right now to update it. I don't think I can ever make it as pretty as yours always looks!
    Happy bloggin' and creating!


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!