
Monday, March 8, 2010

More Fabulous Fabric Flowers & This Time, A Ring all know me! Yes, when I say I have a tad of OCD when it comes to these fabulous Vintage Fabric Flowers, I am speaking the truth. Every time I step foot in my studio now, which happens to be in my shop & may not be good for business, my hands can't grab fast enough for my scissors & fabric. I anxiously cut my strip of fabric, I cut out what could resemble a circle of card stock, plop a dollop of glue from the glue gun in the center & start to roll & wrap & glue...roll & wrap & glue...roll & get my point, it's almost hypnotic!

But one good thing came out of my frenzied crafting, I decided to try & make a ring! Yes, a matching ring & even if I do say so's FABULOUS!!!

All the same principles apply as before. The circle base is only 2", the fabric 1 1/2" & no 2nd level is needed so these are REALLY easy! Any kind of ring base can be used, I used a light weight, flat, metal filigree that I then bent into a ring shape & I attached my flower with thin craft wire that I put through the vintage button, down through the flower, in & out of the filigree & then wrapped it up under the flower a couple of times to secure...easy peasy! Hope this gives you some more ideas for your flowers & as before...I will not be held responsible for any burnt dinners or wrinkled clothes due to craft related OCD's! lol
{for original tutorial click HERE }



  1. I so love these... and I'm so going to make some! I thought I might try to mix some materials... I'll let you know how they turn out!

  2. LOL Susie!

    Love the disclaimer, too funny! What a cute idea! And I think we're all OCD here on Blogger, don't u? Considerin' I was up till 5:30 am last nite!

    Darling, girl, just darling!



  3. aaaaaggghhhhh!!!!!!
    You just had to show the most ADORABLE ring, didn't you. Fine. I will send my daughter to live with you for a while so I can make some.......

  4. Tres chic! These are scrumptious! What is this dinner you speak of? And wrinkled? I'm hoping to start a new trend in fashion - the "yes, I'm still in my pajamas ensemble", part of the febreezed family collection. And, you ARE a little responsible . . .

    Hey, love, love, love the postcard below too. Yummy work, just as pretty as can be.

  5. Wow, these are wonderfull!!
    Allready getting some ideas! Thanks!

  6. Hi Susie,
    Let me just say those flowers a fab!!!
    Love them!!
    Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my new post. I would consider a tutorial on the supplies and what I did to the silverware.
    Maybe on my next post I will list them.
    I pretty much knew nothing about it, so believe me I'm still learning.
    Chat with you again soon,

  7. These just bowled me over... soooo Chanel !

    Thank you

  8. These are gorgeous! Love your wonderful blog and look forward to following your adventures. Thank you for your kind words at my blog today! Made me smile. ~ Angela

  9. Love these, Susie. I keep reading your instructions and they sound so easy...but I have this block and I think they can't be that easy and I can't do them! They would be great for my upcoming women's retreat. I have another flower that is not half as cute!

    Your blog is terrific. I am a scrounger, too!!! I came by way of Lynn's house!



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