
Friday, March 12, 2010

No Friday Flea, But How About Chocolate Brown Walls?

Hi Best Buddies...I hope the sun is shining in your part of the world, finally it's out here, I have the front door open & I can hear the birds chirping with glee, yeah!!! The house is uncommonly silent. Courtney & Kai are down in Huntington Beach until Sunday, hubby is off working in LA for a few weeks, so I have the house to myself which is wonderful & weird all at the same time.

So in celebration of this rare occasion, I decided to pass on Friday Flea {which is almost like trying to kick crack cold turkey} & do something I've been wanting & needing to do for 4 years...paint my bathroom. It's been a dingy white forever, but the one thing I've always loved is it's beautiful, fresh white trim. Thinking about color choice, the main thing I knew I wanted was something dramatic that would really pop all that wonderful white.

I called my sweet friend Victoria & told her I was thinking about painting the walls chocolate brown or a dark cranberry & she thought it was my winter gloom talking & maybe I should rethink these color choices. So, I did rethink it...but I kept coming back to brown. I could see myself getting tried of a rich cranberry after a while, but brown can be fabulous like brown & white transferware dishes, I adore those.

So off to Ace Hardware I went to buy my painting supplies. I settled on the color 'Beautiful Brown Eyes' {now who wouldn't like that} & I've been a painting mamma jamma ever since. I have a couple more second coat areas that need to be addresses, some dry time & then to get in there & hang everything backup, but by tomorrow I will take some pics & post my 'New Bathroom Makeover', I hope you all love it...I can tell already I do!
My usual disclaimer: {I by no means am a professional painter, in fact I kinda suck. I'm afraid to paint to close to the ceiling, so that will have to wait until I have an epiphany} See you here in the morning & until then..have a magical day!!!


  1. Those pictures make chocolate brown look lovely, and I'm sure your room will look fantastic.

    I personally could not do it in my house. For one, I live in a often cloudy climate and brown is too dark and depressing for it. For another, when we moved in to this house it was painted the most awful shades of brown, inside and out. That set me off the color immediately.

    I've used lots of other color throughout, but could never go back to brown (even though I like it for other things).

  2. You're really flying these days Susie! I would NEVER give up a Friday Flea to paint! I can wallpaper up a storm, but hate painting!
    Good luck near the ceiling and don't step in the paint tray!! LOL!!

  3. I love it. I painted our bedroom walls chocolate brown last year and love them..hehehe..

  4. oooooo, I'm loving that brown and white...I can't wait! Those photos are so inspiring girl...I SO LOVE IT!!!!
    Lucky you to have the house all to yourself...I'm jealous!

  5. Can't wait to see this- I bet it will be beautiful with the white trim!

  6. As I type there is a painter in my great room prepping to put up a coat of a milk chocolate colored paint. I'm a little anxious, but since I found this I'm starting to relax a bit. Loved the images of the rooms with crisp white trim. Wish me luck that I love my brown walls!

    Hope your painting went well and that you're pleased with the results, I'd love to see how they turned out.


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