
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Now, Dreaming of Bedrooms

With my bathroom finished, now my mind wonders to a fabulous, lush bedroom make-over. To awaken in one of these divine, vintage inspired rooms would be a 'Dream'.

I love the color of this wall as a softer compliment to the dark brown bathroom walls & the crisp whites against the shabby tan is just yummy.

I think the brown & white toile could be a lovely accent.

Love the Love!

And I really like the idea of the dark iron bed & mirror frame to help pull together all the browns I have going. My biggest challenge is trying to work within the confines of my shoebox size bedroom...a new adventure begins, again!

"To sleep, perchance to dream-
ay, there's the rub." Hamlet



  1. The rooms are all fabulous. Can hardly wait to see what you decided.

  2. Susie,
    Great quote!! I love the bedroom pictures....which one will you choose?

  3. Love all those rooms, but the last is my very favorite. What will you do?

  4. I want to move into the second picture! These are so lovely! Where did you find them? Sweet Dreams!

  5. Those rooms are so restful in a beautiful vintage, love it all!! Such wonderful quiet color in each one. But, I really do like the iron bed/mirror in the last picture! Can't wait to see what you do!


    P.S. So glad you liked your little giveaway gifts - it was fun to put together!

    Have a great weekend my friend!

  6. I think I like the last picture the best. I'm a sucker for dress forms and the vintage look.
    Glad you're warming up on the mountain. Great weather here now!
    Have fun with your painting adventures...I'm going looking for treasure tomorrow a.m.

  7. Your blog is amazing!!!So happy to find you!

  8. LOVE your blog and so glad you found me and left such a nice comment. I can now follow you - you are very talented.

  9. Hi there Munga:) Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment! I just LOVE meeting new blogger friends. I love the beautiful bedroom pictures! Have a blessed evening and come see me again! Ganky!

  10. Thanks so much for visiting! Your blog is fabulous and I'm looking forward to seeing what you choose for your bedroom makeover. Love your inspiration photos!

  11. I love those rooms! White is so peaceful and calming. Those rooms are decorated so well and the white is pulled off so well.

    Thank you for visiting my blog! I enjoy making new friends and I look forward to following your blog! It's very pretty!

    Have a great Sunday!


  12. So beautiful! Your taste in design is just gorgeous... thank you for sharing. :)

  13. I loved all the pictures, but the third bedroom was my favorite, I loved the headboard and the calming color of the room. Thanks so much for stoping by today, I'll be back to visit soon. Blessings...Daphne

  14. Hi Susie, Thanks for visiting my blog! I just was browsing around here and I love what you did to your bathroom. I love chocolate brown! I can't wait to see what you do with the bedroom.

  15. Lovely to meet you Susie,
    I have been called Susie by my mom since before I was born...nice to meet another Susie!So happy you became a follower of mine. I refer to my followers as a pearl on a necklace, each one is a beauty on it's own but united together in strength and unity. I am following you too.
    Smiles and Hugs to you dear lady. Oh yes I love your blog, it so very relaxing here.

  16. I do believe I could rest my head in any of those beautiful bedrooms!!! All of them are gorgeous!!!

    Look forward to seeing what you do with yours!

    ;-) robelyn

  17. All the rooms are gorgeous! I must admit I'm in love with the dark iron bed!

  18. Great photos, the first one would be my favourite. I would love to explore all the lovely linens in that cupboard.


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