
Friday, May 7, 2010

A Daughter's Refection

Mother's Day is always a little bittersweet for me. The Bitter...I am a motherless daughter & have been since I was 16. I got married without a glowing mother standing by my side. I had my only daughter without a mother's guidance, love & support. Alone, her father & I tried to figure out what 'to do' with a newborn. And when I got to experience the joy of watching my own grandson being born, I longed for a mother's touch to share in that joy. In each decade of my life there has been a new thing to miss about not having a mother. I am also not alone.

The Sweet...The joy of my life has been in being a mother. The beautiful gift of having my own child, of understanding the true & pure feeling of unconditional love, of being able to mother her in the way I wished I had been mothered & to have come full circle through that joy to the unimaginable love I feel towards my grandchild has healed my soul.

In Celebration...I still celebrate with an open heart the beauty & tribute of Mother's Day. I celebrate all the women in my life, family & friends, who have taken my hand & helped guide me to become the mother I am. I celebrate my sisters as we have mothered each other through our life's journey & who without their love & kindred souls I would have felt alone. I celebrate the memory of a mother lost & the knowledge of a mother found in simple nuances that are me. I celebrate the mother that my daughter is with her sweet & gentle touch & tender, encouraging words to my beautiful grandson.

And, I celebrate a father who has been both parents to me, my confident, my protector, my advocate & my friend. Life is truly sweet my friends, for in every twist & turn of it, I have been so blessed! Whether I've gone to the deepest of valleys or been tossed, wind blown from the highest of hills, in all places, I have found love & felt loved. Thank you God, thank you universe, thank you my if saying a prayer, I whisper thank you.

So on this Mother's Day, my wish for you friends in what ever form it takes, is...LOVE!
"My mom is a never ending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words, but I always remember the tune." ~ Graycie Harmon



  1. Dear Susie,
    I am sorry for your loss. It seems no matter our age we seek the special comfort a mother can bring.

    Happy Mother's Day to you.

  2. This is the sweetest post I've ever read.......beautiful and prayerlike....
    Happy Mother's Day to you :).

  3. Susie~ thank you for sharing this most heartfelt and personal tribute to love and motherhood...I know you must be an amazing mother and grandmother...

  4. Susie, so lovely. Consider yourself hugged from here...

  5. What a beautiful and touching post! Sending lots of hugs your way.

  6. Susie....what a beautiful tribute to your mother, father and daughter, and just shows me even more what a wonderful person you are!
    Happy Mother's Day my friend.....

  7. sniff..sniff..Susie, I must repeat ...what a beautiful tribute to your mom, dad, and daughter.
    Happy Mother's Day to you, you're very sweet.

  8. Susie,
    What a beautiful, yet sad, story. I can relate so well because I lost my mother when I was eighteen and still miss her. My mother-in-law has been a wonderful "mother" to me but there is nothing quite like your own mother. I also remember that feeling of floundering when Kat was an infant. I lost twins sons in pregnancy two years after that and just missed her desperately! We just never outgrow our need for a mother, do we? I am so blessed to have my lovely daughter and look forward to being a grandmother...but Mother's Day is always a little bittersweet. You said it so well, and so beautifully. Thank you!

  9. Susie, what an amazing post this is. I LOVED IT! There are many ways to be motherless. Me... I have one that has NEVER been there so, there are many ways to loose one. But, I can tell that you did have an amazing support system because you turned out to be an amazing, kind, talented, seeing soul. I am so glad to have found you & can't wait to get to know you better. Talk to ya soon. Charlene

  10. Such a sweet post Susie! Your children are blessed to have you as their Mother! Happy Mother's Day!


  11. Susie girl,
    Thank you for the Mothers Day wish!

    "Happy Mothers Day" to you!

    Your posts are wonderful bits from the heart.


  12. What a beautiful post and pictures. Hope you have a very blessed Mother's Day! Thanks so much for stopping by, Theresa

  13. Hi sweet Susie,

    What an achingly beautiful post, thank you for sharing a bit of your heart with us all.

    Thank you so much for your unbelievably kind comments on my last post, they truly did touch my heart.

    Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day!


  14. Happy Mother's Day to You friend. Be blessed. Cindy

  15. Hi Susie, thank you so much for visiting me and leaving such a touching and beautiful post regarding the loss of my little Chester. I meant a great deal to me. I feel so blessed to have the love and support of so many at a really tough time. Happy belated Mother's Day to you, and hope it topped them all. Take care, Riki xoxo

  16. Susie,
    You are such a dear. Your kindness and generosity comes from the depth of your soul, which has been molded in many, many ways. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post. I wish you much happiness.

  17. Beautiful post. Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day.


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