
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Costume Design & Imagination

{The Young Victoria}
Here's a little eye candy for you, my bestest friends, from some of my favoritest movies.
Look at this stunning yellow dress with cream lace, how gorgeous it looks accented against the deep, green hedges.

{Pride & Prejudice}
Mr. Darcy..oh Mr. Darcy, I take in every detail of his costume from the buttons on his waistcoat to the ruffles on his simple, opened necked, white cotton shirt...ahhhhhh! {look how the sun rises like a halo in his hair}

{The Duchess}
Whether it's the simple grandeur of the English countryside or the lush dreaminess of a palace in France, I am transported to another place & time, making me long for petticoats & lace, hats & ribbons & a long skirt with a slightly muddy hem, dragging on the path behind me.

{Marie Antoinette}
Who wouldn't want to eat french pastries & wear diamonds & wonderful, lavish gowns if you were living in Paris at the palace & money was no object? {well, I mean it was an object...she just didn't quite understand how much}

{Sense & Sensibility}
Can you see that 'ever so sheer' neck scarf Marianne has on? It's just enough to be proper & yet still sheer enough to be naughty...I love it!

{Age of Innocence}
And what about lace parasols...battenburg lace parasols. The idea of a women's skin being so sensitive & fair that it needs to be shielded from the sun at all times is just too romantic! I want a lace parasol with a bamboo handle. I close my eyes & see myself walking down a path in the English countryside along a sparkling lake with the sunlight filtering through the leaves. I lift my face up to the sun just as I open my parasol & in that moment...all is right with the world.

Smiles friends & thanks for coming with me!



  1. Ok this is wierd!!You love all of MY favorites!!( : I think I have watched Darcy make that walk about 100 times...and I could watch it 100 times more...This kind of fashion makes you daydream!!Hugs-Cat

  2. Love old fashioned dress and movies!

  3. Oh Susie, you do have a fabulous imagination!!! I would so love to be in one of those wonderful costumes!!

  4. Susie, We love the same things!! Makes you want to go there!

  5. Such a gorgeous post, I love all these beautiful costumes.

  6. Lovely post and yes... all those costumes are beautiful!

  7. Such beautiful costumes- they really do make the stories unfold- thank you for sharing these delights to the eye!

  8. What a wonderful post!
    And those are some of my very favorite images from my very favorite movies. I'm such a Jane Austen fangirl. :-)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. That was a fun treat, Susie! I love costumes! Such a great world of fantasy!

    My daughter was directed toward costume design for many years, then shifted gears and is becoming a clinical MSW. She was worried that one out a thousand would make is and she would be sitting in a back room sewing. Probably realistic!

    I miss it a lot, though, and going to costume events with her and watching costume shoes. Hopefully some year it will be a hobby for her...and me :-)


  10. Oh you got the costume designer in my all excited with this post. I love the first photo the best! Perfection in my humble opinion!


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