
Friday, April 9, 2010

Pillows, Pillows & More Pillows

I'm in love with PILLOWS right now! Maybe it's because it's spring & I'm nesting {literally} or maybe it's because after doing the bathroom, I'm obsessed with finishing my bedroom make-over or maybe it's simply because I've been going to some of the most posh, chic interior design shops in LA...but right now, all I can think about is PILLOWS!

Now, I have a couple of these from Pottery Barn & adore them in my living room.

And this one from Pottery Barn is a 'Must Have' on my to-get list! {but they've been sold out of these the last few times I've gone, I hope beyond hope I might still get a hold of one}

This is Rachell Ashwell's favorite design at Shabby Chic Couture, the Union Jack pillow & I must admit to you, they are fabulous!

And BURLAP...what about BURLAP! The texture & neutral color with the wonderful graphics & text on them...I LOVE these pillows from Mothology. {& that messenger bag is toooo cute}

And here's a few of my favorites from etsy. I adore these pillows on the settee made by Jolie Marche, I could decorate my entire bed with these.

Petit Coterie has some gorgeous french inspired pillows too, I just love the touch of blue down the center of this one & since it's 'Good To Be Queen', the crown does seem fitting! So friends, if you have a FAVORITE pillow or a Great line that I should check out, please share with me cuz as you can see, I am still on the hunt for the PERFECT PILLOW!!!


Disclaimer: Yes, I know there are a lot more important issues to be concerned about in the world then pillows, but, I DO Love them so...


  1. Now, THESE are pillows!!! I love the Etsy ones!!

  2. SIGH!!! They are all so awesome, wow you have gone pillow mad, but that would be so easy with these beauties.

  3. I like all the ones you have pictured. They are so neat! Thanks for sharing them. I'm going to check out a few. Have a great day!


  4. HOGWASH... pillows is a perfectly good topic!! One can NEVER have too many pillows!!! I love the look and feel of burlap but my nose can not stand the smell. :( I love how you print on them so easily and they can be as versatile as your imagination. Hugs. Tammy

  5. I do declare - pillows MAKE a room! I love pillows too. I am really drawn to the etsy pillows. They are drop dead gorgeous!

  6. I love pillows, too~ and I just love the graphics!

  7. I have just discovered you in blog land. Oh, hello Linda above me. I see you all over blog land. Anyway, I have been visiting for a while this morning and wanted to stop to say hello and then go back for more. The first thing that brought me in was we were born the same year. That always interests me.
    I'm having fun looking around your place.
    Enjoy your day!

  8. LOVE pillows too Susie! All of these are GORGEOUS!! Especially the nesting one =)


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