
Monday, August 23, 2010

vintage trailer rally, day 1!

Greetings Friends & Travel Pals!!
We're back from our fun-filled,
Tear-Drop & Vintage Trailer Rally
in Hurkey Creek State Park.
I have so many pictures & stories to tell, I'm going to split this event up into several posts,
but before I get started I want to thank you all for your delightful comments on my last post!
I loved finding out a little more about each one of you & thought Petite Michelle Louise idea of having a '10 Little Things About Me' party was inspired! I will start work on putting that together ASAP...but for now here's our Vintage Trailer Adventure.

I'm so excited about you getting to come along on this journey, as I have taken you on a Vintage Vacation with us before, but never to a Vintage Trailer Rally!
They just...'ROCK'!

The 1st day is all about the Set-Up.
We were greeted by the Rally Hosts Carrousel & Ray, & were given our name sign to put up in the window, a cute little Dutch Oven Patch {which I have soooo much to talk about} & a cute little battery closet light, which we needed since it was a dry camp. {for you novices, that's when you have no power, or water, or hook-ups of any kind, again...TG for generators!}

Hubby gets going on the outside, while I play with all our vintage vignette's on the inside.

Right before we left, I made all new curtains for our baby with cool, old vintage tablecloths...aren't they sew cute!!

And guess what hubby got this year for his birthday??? You got it...a new 22" HD Flat Screen TV for his trailer!!! It's the height of decadence & we LOVE it!

Now be able to watch our new glorious TV we had to turn on our loud & possibly annoying generator, which many of our closer neighbors did not appreciate. So Day 1 we stayed dark & stared at the stars & held hands & used our little propane lantern & just appreciated the beauty of nature & the sound of the wind rustling through the pines. Ahhhhhh....

But by Day 2...we were over that! ;)

This is our awesome vintage fan we use to cool ourselves, that needs power in order to work. We were really HOT on Day 1!

Did you notice our brand new matching awning hubby just had made? We were looking on ebay for a vintage one, which we've had & sold several of...arghhhhh, but we couldn't find one with the right color & the prices were just outrageous! I adore this one!!! Hubster did a Good Job!

And you know another reason why I just LOVE our trailer?
It has a Happy Face on the back.
How cool is that??? the last post you learned I don't cook. Well, this is my idea of the perfect, well balanced meal. Hotdogs for protein, onions for veggies...

butter as the milk product & beanies as a carb or starch or bread, or whatever the heck it is! Thus, our Day 1 meal...that I did cook was,
Beanies & Weanies!
Does anyone else think of this as a perfectly fine meal choice... not just for camping, I mean for all the time!

As Day 1 comes to an end & the sun slowly sinks in the west, we watch as our little trailer is cast in an awesome, amber glow. {the amber shellac on the wood doesn't hurt, lol} This adventure is just beginning, Day 2 gets even better cuz it involves more vintage trailers, dutch ovens, a potluck & power!!!
until we meet again!


  1. Susie, I saw a sweet little vintage trailer in Kansas City a few weeks ago and was sure it was you--although I don't even know what you look like, and seriously doubt you we in KC recently, but in my head I pictured you sitting at the very same stoplight right beside me.

    The rally sound like fun. How could it be anything less in a sweetheart like that!

    Love your idea of a balance meal!

  2. I have been trying to talk my husband into getting a vintage trailer and do this. Looks like so much fun. Yours is really cute.

  3. It is absolutely darling!
    It looks so homey, and it seems like you've packed everything you need into that teeny tiny space.

    Love it!

  4. Susie - I absolutely LOVE your vintage trailer and all the beautiful decor! It looks so cozy!! I bet a group of those beauties camping altogether is a sight to behold. (I've been "kind of" looking for an old trailer to make my own...ya never know when one might come across one....)

    Thanks for sharing your trip!


  5. Oh Susie... I'm so envious... I would adore having a little trailer and doing what you do... Actually, I could live that way.... nooooo problem.... And as far as beanie weenies go... Love them... we had them quite a bit when I was a kid... In fact, it was the first meal I ever cooked (for my dad and I)... Bruce and I have them once in a while too!

  6. Oh Susie, I just LOVE your vintage trailer! It reminds me of one my parents had and we would take it camping every summer. Your photos of the interior are great! I could almost see my Mom standing at the stove cooking up something special! Thanks for the memories!

  7. Beans & wienies.....absolutely! My twist is to put in a little bit of bbq sauce....I like a little spice to my food.
    That trailer is the CUTEST! I can't even imagine the fun to be had with one of those :).

  8. I'm just not happy you didn't come pick me up. Just think of all the stories I could've told. Hrmpfffff.... I could just see me and hubs, 4 dogs and two cats in such a cute trailer. Would be no need for tv with tilly and the puppy chasing whippers all over. hehhe. That trailer is to die for and just bet it's a gem in your life. So much fun.. Hugs. and....

    Dont' forget my GIVEAWAY!!

  9. I live life through you, Susie.... Oh how I love old cars, trailers and yearn for the simple life. I wish my husband had the same desires that I have. Oh well, glad I can pop in and visit from time to time!! jc

  10. Looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing.
    Alicia xx

  11. Girl....this was FUN to read =) You know, I do "get" everything you have talked about here....been there! We stayed in a vintage trailer (Coronado) at our deer lease for MANY years, but my hubby put an air condition in it RIGHT away! We have electricity there =)
    And, my husband is our cook...AND a marvelous one =) He dutch oven cooks, and all of the Robert and he will have plenty to do and see and oh my is going to be a BLAST!
    BTW...I would love to come to this rally! Can you come if your trailer isn't vintage???
    And, your curtains are SEW cute~LUV them. your pennies...because Warrenton is going to blow your socks off!!!!!

  12. So many wonderful little details!! Love it!!

  13. What fun! I'd love to be going to a vintage trailer rally right about now!
    Looking forward to more on this adventure!

  14. It looks like you had a wonderful time and what a wonderful vintage trailer!

  15. I love it! My parents have an old camper. It's 70's style with orange cuboards and pukey green curtains! But I love the trailer and it always gets complements!

  16. Hi Susie, Your trailer is adorable!! Sounds like you had a ball with your stars and hand-holdin' and your weinies and beans!! Thanks for the fun little tour!! Julie

  17. Susie,
    Your trailer is sooooo cuuuuuute! I can hardly stand it!!! I didn't realize you decorated them inside and out! Do you have open house and serve everyone beanies and Weinies? That is a very fifties meal, you know!!!! We use to have it in the school cafeteria.

    BTW your jewelry is looking really good, too. You are quickly becoming an expert. I especially love the black one but when I look back, I like them all! You got the "eye' girl!


  18. Hi Susie! Just catching up here..was dying to see how the vintage trailer rally turned out! OH my, what a sweet vintage trailer you have...and decked out in all of its glory. Your curtains made from the vintage table clothes turned out perfect! I bet hubby was happy too. :-) What fun you had!


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