
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

vintage trailer rally, day 2!

Greetings Friends...Welcome to Day 2 of our Vintage Trailer Rally in the mountains of beautiful Southern Cal!!!

{isn't this one fun??? a vw pulling a it}
For me, Day 2 is always the most fun! By now, everyone has arrived & set-up their adorable vintage trailers.

{love this painted Route 66 Tear}
You've had your morning coffee & with camera in hand, you head off to check out all the other trailers at the Rally, meet the owners, make friends & talk 'Vintage Trailer'! It's a language totally unto it's self!

Some trailers are in the process of restoration...

and some trailers are a 'Dream on Wheels'!

And there's always a Pink Flamingo somewhere to be found!!!

{my hubby is standing under the awning}
These were our next door neighbors & we adored them! They fed us berry cobbler & fresh morning biscuits cooked from a Dutch Oven...delicious!
{more to come on Dutch Ovens in the next post}

Look how they painted the truck to match their trailer...just toooo coooool!

Teardrop camper trailers evolved after World War II, and were originally constructed with surplus war materials. The exterior skins were usually made from the wings of World War II bombers.

Teardrop's are made to sleep two and have a raise-up deck lid for the rear kitchenette usually with an ice box, stove & storage.

At this Rally, I felt like I was at a 'Vintage Trailer Smorgasbord'! :)
Canned Hams...

awesome Old Pop-Ups...

full size trailers of all shapes & sizes.

Look at this Old Pop-Up, the metal slides are to die for!!

And who doesn't LOVE a Shasta???

Isn't this Woody Tear Cute?

And I thought this kitchenette had all the comforts of home.
{loved the rear tail lights}

The one thing about a Teardrop Trailer is...
you really do have to love the person your camping with cuz it is close quarters!

This Aljoa was adorable & totally vintaged out on the inside! I really loved the front window awning which works great for shade, but is also a rock guard while your driving. I think we NEED 1 of those...don't you?

And this was the smallest little Tear I've ever cute!
He had to add extensions on to the back in order to lay down. lol

Are you still hanging in there with me??
I had such a hard time editing my pictures to make this post short enough to enjoy & yet still really give you a taste of all the amazing eye candy that was there.

How cool is that? To pull your Tear with a Classic Ford Mustang!


This was 1 of my favorites! A vintage Tear being pulled by a fully restored, 1955 Montclair.

This vintage car was sooooo SWEEEEET!

They had just gotten back from taking it to Las Vegas...
can you imagine driving up to the Bellagio in this jewel?
Vegas Baby, Vegas!

Just Yummmmy!!!

This gem was in complete original condition. They bought it with the Coke Cooler in the back just like it was left. For us vintage trailer people, these are things that dreams are made of.

If this cooler could only many little hands have reached in there to grab an ice cold soda during a family vacation?

Look at the shine on this Baby!! Somebody's got a sore arm after all this polishing...but OMG, it is well worth it! This is a DeVille, we have one in our yard that we use for storage, but it's body sure doesn't look like this.

Back home after a day of touring. It was hot & we were a little thirsty & tired, but we had big grins on our faces just like our Vintage Baby!
Stay tuned for my next addition to the Vintage Trailer's time for a Potluck & what I learned about 'Dutch Ovens'. Who would have known?



  1. I'm amazed!! I had no idea there were groups like this. ALMOST makes me wish I liked camping. The idea of decorating one is what I like!

  2. THere are no words to describe how much I feel as though I did the wrong thing this summer. You should have thought of me and offered to take me along! I swear... this just looks like you all had a gas!!! What memories to share with others and create memories and good feelings for a lifetime.

  3. I don't think I could ever get tired of seeing photos of these sweet vintage trailers. Those tear drops are just amazing. I'd love to stumble across one of these rallies, eventhough we don't have a trailer. I could spend all day just gawking. Thanks for sharing! I look forward to more amazing photos.

  4. That is so incredibly cool! Didn't know there was a gathering of these babies! We camped in the Rockies in a vintage trailer about fifteen years ago. We felt more outdated than vintage passing Vail! My first born learned to walk on that camping trip. We painted the trailer while on that camping trip. Lived for weeks with no running water, electricity and bears on the prowl in that camper! It's long been sold.
    Now I wish it was still around. We would have fit right in.

    Thanks so much for sharing.

    I esp. like the Ford pulling the vintage teardrop. Even the cooler inside the kitchenette looks vintage!

  5. Oh my them all and am longing for one to call my own! Thanks for all the great photos.


  6. OMG, I am so so SO in love with those top ones!

    Did you know that Robert Redford's store, "Sundance", at one time had a reproduction one on sale on their back cover? Serious swoon.

  7. Too cool! I love looking at vintage trailers... and cars and trucks! I almost lived in a 64 Airstream once... Wouldn't that have been cool?

  8. I love the tear and the VW, how cute.

  9. Oh, this was fun! I would love to be there walking with you and taking pictures of the teardrops =) I think they are just fabulous =)

  10. What FUN!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing all of this with us. I'm going to send a link to my friend Lavern that I told you about. You know... the one that belongs to Sisters of the Fly. She'll love it. The tear drops always make my Hubby laugh because at 6'1" tall he says that he'd have to cut holes for my feet to stick out. HUGS!

  11. I have never seen a teardrop trailer, my friend. How cute are those?? We have borrowed a pop-up from some friends a couple of times and we thought it was pretty neat. Until we met our new friends with the monster r.v. I don't think I'll ever look back!!!
    The comraderie looks like it was tons of fun-thanks for sharing!

  12. What cool pictures! I have now realised that the old caravan out the back of our house is probably vintage. Too bad it is not in a very good state...maybe someone will one day want to take it off our hands and restore it!
    Alicia xx

  13. Sooo cool, thank you for sharing.Looks like you had lot's of fun.
    Have a great day.

  14. What a fun and interesting post. I don't think I've ever seen trailors quite like this!! Plus I had no idea that there were groups like this--awesome!!

  15. This was so much fun! I had no idea there were vintage trailer rallies like this. What fun!!

  16. Those are some amazing trailers! My husband and I just bought a vintage trailer and we are slowly but surely making it ours. I had no idea there were such fun things like these rallies...I will have to see if there are any in our area! And I am going to have to take some pictures of ours too!


  17. You never know where you may find yourself. I enjoyed your pix. Were you at Herkey Creek this year?

    By the way, I own the Route 66 teardrop. What fun!!


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