
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

livin large, lovin magnolia pearl & marburger & sadly leavin Texas

This has been a WHIRLWIND tour of Texas for vintagesusie & wings!!!
I have walked more fields, drank more sweet tea, eaten more yummy cupcakes, seen more divine vintage & justifiable junk, loved more Junky Gypsy's, drivin more miles of back roads for a meal, loved me more bloggy gals & their men, seen more teased up hair & ruffled britches, then I ever have in my whole, entire crazy life & I have absolutely fallen in LOVE with TEXAS!!!
I have SOOOOOOOO much to share with y'all, {yes, now I have a southern accent...what? I think they're cute!} I barely know where to begin from here...but, after Warrenton & The Junk Gypsy's, my next big adventure was Marbuger Farms & what comes with that is a phenomenon all it's own named Magnolia Pearl!
Many of you know this magical sea nymph of the Texas plains. This is Robin Pearl Brown, creator of Magnolia Pearl designs on the opening morning at Marburger Farm.
My sweet as Texas tea, gal pal Charlene from My Hearts Ease & her boyfriend hubby Larry & I, had arrived early opening day to see our favorite lovie, jewelry designer Diane Cook of Rosa & Josie's. {& that's another post all on it's own} After spending time admiring her fabulous booth & new jewelry creations, Charlene & I made a beeline for MP.

One of the things on my list of MUST DO'S in Texas, was to buy something from MP. I had no idea what to expect when we got to her showroom, but it surpassed any expectations I could have had. It was like entering Fairyland! & suddenly I too, wanted to be a fairy.

Robin was surrounded by her fellow fairies & adoring fans, but to my joy, she took the time to come over & tell me she liked the way my fairy blouse looked with my camo shorts.

This sweet as pie girl, is one of Robin's models & was she was helping Charlene find a pair of ruffled britches...we just adored her!!!

Everything in there was stunning!

I wanted it all, as did every other women in her booth!

For me The Junk Gypsy's & Magnolia Pearl were two of the highlights of my trip! They are ying & yang & yet both... pure Texas!

I LOVE this picture of my shabby little shopping cart sittin outside of Magnolia Pearl at Marburger Farms. She has had quite a trip & seen more then many people ever will...lucky little cart! {TG for her, she saved my arms}

Finally out of the MP booth, I display my new attire, but who cares about me...look at those chandeliers!

By now, I couldn't even tell you where we were. I can only let you share in some of the glories that were Marbuger...Enjoy!

Oh, so yummmmmy...

I adore this baby shoe...

lovely linens...

rust & lace, so cool...

I love any & all religious icon...

again, stunning...

& what a fabulous antique crib, right!
I'll tell you my friends, I am heartbroken to be leavin Texas.
We share a common spirit.
A love for junk.
A common passion for creation & design.
And I will NEVER, ever forget... the Wide Open Spaces
& Glorious Skies above this awesome state!
I will forever dream of CLOUDS!
Thank you Texas, thank you friends, thank you family who got me here.
I am blessed!!!



  1. Have a great trip home Susie, and a safe one. Loving the pictures and just was lookin at a few that you were in while I was browsing some blogs.
    A trip of a lifetime!

  2. What a wonderful post!
    I'm so thrilled that you fell in love with us, we love you, too! :-)

    Texas Anne

  3. What a great trip! I would not want to leave either.Thanks for sharing, Annette

  4. Texas loves you back girlie! Your posts remind me why I live in this crazy hot state! Thank you for that!!!
    Wonderful photos. I think that second group of photos is Willow Nest (Linda & Ludmil). I'm not sure about the rest.
    P.S. Now I gotta teach you to say sweet tea as one word...repeat after me real fast...Sweetea! That's one for the dictionary!

  5. My Gosh!!!! I'd drive 100's of miles to get to that beautiful Junky Heaven, too!!!

    Great glad you had a great time! Safe trip home :)

  6. Drive home, safe, my friend!!! Can't wait to see all the goodies!!!!!!!!!

  7. Just love the way all you Texas bound girls take care of us at home...sharing all your adventures with us! Thank you...these photos are wonderful!!!!!!!

  8. What a wonderful presentation of your adventures in Texas and on the road there. I have enjoyed it so much as I am sure I will enjoy the trip back....more Nat'l Parks???? Have a safe and joyful journey. The Olde Bagg

  9. Wow Susie!
    Awesome pictures, what great memories! I'd love to go some look so cute and happy in your MP top!!:)

  10. Is your car packed full? Can you see out the windows? Are you going to wear your new MP top all the way home?

    Hurry home and show us your loot! But drive carefully, ya hear!

  11. Awwww Susie...this was such a sweet post :)
    I can hear in your heart how happy you are and what a good time you had.
    I hope you have a wonderful trip home, be safe and don't cry too much about leaving us. Now you know the road to come back and we'll be waiting for you again!!!! look awesome in your new MP threads!

  12. WOW! I wish I was there! It looks like so much fun and I love Magnolia Pearl style. So glad you had so much fun:)
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  13. Absolutely beautiful post... Love all the amazing stuff in your photos! Glad you have had such a good time... and be safe going home.

  14. Susie,Thanks for taking us along...and you do look adorable in your fairy blouse and camo shorts! Aren't you glad you just picked up and went off on this adventure yourself?


  15. Wow! What an amazing place! I have never known anything like this before! Thanks for opening my eyes to many new things across the never know, maybe one day I will visit it myself.
    Alicia xx

  16. Hey there Susie.... :o) !!

    THANK YOU for your LOVELY comments....Don't you just WISH you could hit rewind....This is my third day back & all I can of is....How long will it take me to get back to Texas....hahahahaha....I'm PLOTTING & SCHEMING my heart out down here thinking of ways to save enough money to get back for the May shows....I've already told Mr SVJ....NO MORE HEATER honey....It's SPRING already & we need to save on the ectricty bill....If you're cold come over here & I'll give you a cuddle....hahahahaha....

    I'll be sure & keep you posted with any savings tips I come up with that 'bear fruit'....** wink **

    Unil then, take care & HAPPY JUNKIN' my faraway Friend....!

    Cheers from Melbourne Australia,
    Tamarah :o) xxx

  17. We love you in Texas to Miss Susie!!!! I gotta tell you that I will never forget meeting you in Theresa's tent & you telling the story about the Texas Trooper! I laughed so hard that I thought that I was going to wet my pants!!!!! I hope that you are able to make it back for the Spring Show!
    Have a safe trip home, & watchout for those Texas Troopers! ;)


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!