
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Warrenton in all it's glory!

Greetings Sweet Hearts!!!
My adventure has been as big as the great state of TEXAS, but by yesterday it was time to just kick back & enjoy the show! Nothin CRAZY happened, thank the Lord, as I needed a break & just wanted to take in Warrenton in all it's JUNKY GLORY!!

I LOVE me some good ole rusty mailboxes...

& I'll tell you what...our traffic cops sure don't look like this!!

Can I say I was DIGGIN the guns & the saddle! He was tellin me to MOVE ON, but I told him to HOLD ON, I just had to get some more PICTURES OF HIM & he gave me a tiny little grin...ain't he cute?

I still haven't gotten over to this booth, but I want some of her white, flowing cotton. It looks soooo cooool! {as in not hot, lol}

Fall in Warrenton, equipment & pumpkins, LOVE IT!

The line for the cupcakes is longer then the line for the port-a-potty, but today I'm gettin me one...yummmmy!
I ended my day yesterday at Zapp Hall lookin for the fabulous Miss Theresa from Garden Antiques Vintage bloggy fame.

& look who I found sittin in her booth...the infamous & divine Miss Debbie & Cat Daddy from Trash Talking! They are a HOOT & A HALF & I adored them both right off the bat!

And Sweet as Pie Miss Theresa was truly the hostess with the mostest. She had the greatest fan known to man & gave me an iced tea & the cutest little red vintage chair to sit on & I didn't leave until she was ready to roll up shop! Tonight she's having a blog party & I can't wait to go say "Hi Y'all" to all my bloggy buddies!

Oh & by the way...did I tell ya she had the most wonderful junk in her booth!

Here in Texas, I've seen some glorious things...but do you know what I'm going to miss the most when I have to go back to Cali? Yes the friends I've made, yes the gingerbread houses, yes the amazing array of antiques. But what I'm going to miss the very most is...

The skies of Texas are like no other!

Ever changing.

Always amazing.
If you want to see God's handy work & you happen to be in Texas...just LOOK UP!
I do LOVE it here...If it only wasn't so dog gone HOT!!!!
Today, I'm off for yet another day of walkin the fields looking for some more good junk
& tonight
So, from one Cowgirl to another,
Happy Trails Friends!!!


  1. I so wish I could have gone! Looks like you're having a great time!

  2. I just found your blog and I'm lovin it..have a wonderful time and hope you get your cupcake today.....

  3. I am so glad you are having such a great time! I will make it there one of these days. I was hoping to go in the Spring but with my first Grnadchild due probably won't, so next Fall it is!! Have fun today.

  4. Looks like the best fun~ I almost feel like I've been there (except for being hot LOL)!

  5. Sounds like you are having a fabulous time! I hope you got your cupcake and it was worth the wait! Fabulous photos! Love the vintage suitcases!

    ~ Tracy

  6. Hi Susie! Looks like you've comforted yourself from your scary cavern experience with some good ol' junkin'!!!! I am so jealous!! Take it all in for all of us poor ol' wannabees!! Happy cupcakes ~ Julie

  7. Susie, thanks so much for taking us on the trip with you! Your pictures are so great and I wanna be there tooooo!
    Those booths!!!!!! aaargh!
    One of these days...yes..!
    Have a great day, buy lots!

  8. Thanks Susie. A great road trip for us!!


  9. Hey, Girl, you look awesome in a cowboy hat...
    now. just tell me you are bringing back some of those aMAZing vintage suitcases........

  10. Girly, thank you for showing all the great sights to see at the show. Thank you for hanging with are my evil twin sister...I just know it! BUT most of all...thank you for lovin' my Texas. You brought tears to my eyes with the photos of the skies. (BTW, you have to be more than just a little bit crazy to live here with this heat and girlfriend...I think you qualify!)
    Let me just close with this. You herded that Durango on a one-woman cattle drive from Cal-I-For-Ni-A and for that I now declare you an officially Texasified. You have my permission to say y'all and fixinta 'cause you are a true Texan at heart! You've earned your rare back and kick the hair off 'em! Love pixilated woman!
    P.S. Ron (The Cowboy Car Wrangler) will be pickled tink if he saw himself on your blog. I'll have to print this out and take it to him next show!

  11. I so love blogging! You start out one place, then follow a link here, then another, then another one there and suddenly you find yourself at home - or at least a place that feels like home. Then you hear Jackson Browne and you just smile and pour yourself another glass of wine and put your feet up and is good.

  12. I was there too at Theresa's blog party. I did not get a cupcake. But the rest of the food was great and the containers were funny and thoughtful.
    This show was the best ever!!!
    Sorry I guess I did not meet you.
    Lois at Callie Magees

  13. Hi Susie,
    I am so Happy to have found you! Carol Anne pointed me in the right Direction!
    Wow!You have some Fun Places to Shop for Treasure!I Love your Photo Journal of your Trip.Your Photos are Wonderful!
    Thank you for Sharing and I am now a Follower and Will be back to visit again!
    PS I Grabbed your Button too!

  14. I am soooooooooo envious of you all down there. Like I said next year I will be there where it's hot & dirty , not going to the beach going to TEXAS.


  15. Susie, I can't even begin to tell you how much I enjoyed meeting and your stories... oh my, you can't top these. It was great hearing them from you and the laughs, OMG, side still hurting. You do know that you left the shutters you bought, right? I left them at Zapp since I couldn't remember what day you were leaving or even if you'd come back for them. You are a fun girl and I can't wait to go back and read the stories you told us about.


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!