
Thursday, September 16, 2010

a Magic camera strap...

So...while blog browsing at some of my very favoritest places, I happened by my friend Connie's blog, She Dreams Big, & saw a post about her new amazing camera. Many of you know that I too have a new love, my Fuji Finepix.

As I pondered the idea of us both getting remarkable & unblurry photographs with our new equipment, I saw that she had made what I considered to be some adorable Magical Looking Camera Straps & I became convinced that if I too had a Magical Camera Strap my pictures would instantly be transformed from ordinary to extraordinary! Fast Forward to today...look what magically appeared on my door step! Is it a 6 pack of eggs from the chicky fariy's?

I carefully opened up the crate as to not break any eggs when to my surprise I saw 4 of my favoritest things...brown, green, polka dots & ruffles.

Why, this isn't eggs at all! To my sheer joy, I unveiled my very own Magic Camera Strap!

I ADORE it!!!!

OMG, are far too kind! I can picture my camera hanging on my shoulder as I meander the fields & barns & booths surrounding Round Top, Texas.

As I strike the most amazing picture taking stances know to man, strangers will be staring at me & asking, "Where did she get that adorable & yet functional Magic Camera Strap? I want one too!" After getting my perfect picture, I will turn & say...
" Go to She Dreams Big & ask for Connie, camera strap maker extraordinaire!"

I HEART you Miss Connie & I soooo HEART my new camera strap!!
Thank You Sweet Friend!



  1. It is too cute. I have a camera strap but I love yours. I might have to go check this out!!

  2. Too cute. Fashion meets utility, love it.

  3. I love polka dot! And it is my FAVORITE color! This is great....I want one too =))

  4. CUTE!!!!!!! I can't wait to see it. HUGS!

  5. What a great surprise! Love it! You are sure to take some GREAT pictures with that strap over your shoulder!

  6. Connie is a special person! You are lucky to count her among your friends, and she you. That really is the most adorable strap I have ever seen. We just upgraded our digital point and shoot and when I asked Jud if we need a nice strap, he just laughed and said we could use a little black case from Target. So, I got one. Not half as exciting...


  7. Oh. My!!! I have to visit this person. You will be the cutest at the fair, by far, my friend!!!

  8. That is just darling, I need one too! :-)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. So when you come to the blog part...instead of a rose between your teeth, I can recognize you by this cute, cute strap...right?

  10. Thank you, sweetie, for such a glowing tribute! But I think your skills will make all of your photos magic! You are now my official PR person!


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