
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

soooo...what am I looking for?

Good Tuesday to ya Sweet Hearts...
Time is flying by as I prepare for my cross country voyage. {at least it seems that way to me, lol} I might as well be taking a steamer to Antarctica, this is quite the adventure for this small town girl!
How do you like my new brochure I made for my shop, Lambs & Ivy Boutique? My sweet friend Lynn from Blue Skies blog fame took most of the photo's on her 1st visit & they are all still some of my very favorites.

Soooo, many of you have been wondering what amazing & priceless vintage & junky booty I will be looking for on my incredible journey.

I have an addiction to baby cabinet cards, so pure & sweet.

Actually, I have an addiction to ALL cabinet cards especially if they have a tiny touch of color in them.

Tin Types & what I might do with them are always on my mind...but I just can't make myself deface these little works of art.

I must have skeleton keys to make into jewelry & anything with chippy paint will be considered!

And how can you ever have enough vintage sewing cabinet drawers? I could have 100 & still think of more things I'd like to store in them!

I just can't seem to get enough vintage religious icons lately, I LOVE everything about them. Rosaries, metals, bibles, craved wooden angels. Someone at my shop asked me recently "if I'd found the Lord"? I said "I never knew he was lost, but I do adore all things religious". Now that I think of it, I've been a California Mission junky for ions.

Of course, I plan to bring home as many old tin ceiling tiles that I can carry!

And if I find anything that even resembles this 'it's mine'!

Architectural detail is a must...

as is anything rusty, chippy, broken, half there, weather worn or faded!
So, I guess you could say just about everything there will be fair game. OMG...I hope I'm not 1 of those ladies who knocks people over trying to get too my "must haves'! Oh well, hopefully I won't know them if I do & all is fair in war & junky love, right!

Oh yeah...I'm also looking for one of these to help me get my booty all home in one piece, or several pieces if required. LOL
Sunday is Mission Texas blastoff, stay tuned!!!



  1. I love all your choices! Looking forward to seeing what you bring home! Have fun!

  2. Hi Susie. Greetings from Prague. You go, girl and find those treasures. Traveling is so much fun and treasures are the best part. I didn't go out today. Didn't feel; so good. My lovely husband brought me home a cup of hot chocolate that was like hot melted chocolate...bliss...and a little religious icon of Saint Someone (?) which I love! I,too, love all things religious!


  3. Well... we have shipping options - should I bring a list with me? Just in case?

    ;-D robelyn

  4. Me too, I'll take one of everything! I've recently become enamored with tintypes, but have yet to actually buy one.

    I can't wait to see what treasures you bring home.

  5. Have fun, Suz!! I can't wait to see what loot you bring home with you.... looks like treasure awaits!

    Safe travels :)

  6. Ah, you should have no problem finding all those things mentioned!!! I will be so anxious to see all your fabulous finds. BTW - wear sunglasses so if you do run someone over they can't describe you to the police ;)

    Purrs for a safe and fun trip!

    Romeo and "her"

  7. You are soooooooo funny!!!! And yep that borders the same. We must have good taste girlfriend or we both are really wishing the summer was over! Pray for cooler weather because it's still hot as .... here. HUGS!

  8. Hi Susie,

    Wow, that´s a lot of stuff. Can´t wait to see what you bring home. Your brochure is nicely done!

    Have a great day,

  9. Can you stand it that the time is almost here! I have several things I'm bring that's on your list, esp. the arch. items. See ya soon, T

  10. You are going to need a Mayflower moving van!!!!
    Thank you for being so generous in mentioning my blog, my friend. (blog fame??? ha haha!!)
    Next year. Really. I'm coming with you.

  11. I love all of your choices. You're gonna have such fun!

  12. Hi Susie, It looks like if you and I went junkin' together, we'd be beating each other over the head or arm wrestling for the same things!! All's fair in love and junking I say!! Have a great time and hope you find tons of cool stuff!! Smiles, Julie

  13. Aw,can I say I am so jealous of your trip to TX?? What fun! :-) And I mean FUN. I think I love to collect just about every single item you posted here too! :-) I brought home a bunch of cabinet cards a few weeks ago too... a sweet baby or two, and an incredible wedding picture. I'll have to share them on my blog.
    Have a safe trip, dear friend. I can't wait to see the pictures!!!


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!