
Monday, September 13, 2010

on the road again!

Ladies {echo...ladies} & Gentlemen {gentlemen}...
By Unanimous Decision {decision}...
vintagesusie {vintagesusie} will be DRIVING {driving}
to TEXAS {Texas}!
Loud roar of applause, hats flying in the air, pats on the back and a few "atta boy's" thrown in for good measure. That's right friends, you heard it here 1st...I will be dusting off the old jalopy & headin east lookin for JUNK!!!

I want to THANK YOU all for your fabulous advice! You are all the bestest bloggy friends anyone could ever have!! Yes, it would be better if I had a pal to come along...but it looks like it will just be me & Willie 'On the Road Again'!

So, as long as I don't run into this...

or run out of this...

I should be one of the lucky ones who get to go to this!!! That's right, the line of Junker's on their way to...Warrenton, Round Top, Marburger, The Junk Gypsy's Prom, Garden Antiques Blog Party & all pastures, haylofts, barns & fields in between.

I've got my maps ready, my bags packed {well, not really} & I'm beyond eager to leave. {is leavin 10 days before check-in tooo early?}
I must tell y'all, the words that really made my mind up were...
Drive Baby, Drive!!!



  1. Whoop whoop! I'm glad you finally decided! I know you'll have a grand time and find lots of treasures.

    Ten days will afford several stops along the way for sightseeing, potty breaks, and junk shops. I say go for it!

    Oh, you're so lucky. I wish you could swing up to Kansas and pick me up.

  2. Okay - So I will be WATCHING for you at Zapp Hall!!! You can't miss me - I'll be the one with the duct tape roll!!!

    I REALLY hope to meet you!!!

    ;-D robelyn

  3. Have a hellava good time for all us not able to go and then make us jealous as crazy when you get back and regale us with all the adventure of it. Travel well. The Olde Bagg

  4. You are one brave and adventurous girlie! I had a great solution but didn't think you'd want to drive to Nebraska to pick me up.

    Drive safe and I'll be waiting not so patiently to see what you bring home!


  5. However you get there you will LOVE IT!!! I got the email from Diane. THANK YOU! I will chat with Hubby & let you know ASAP. Also, I will email you & give you my email address since you didn't have it. ORRRRRRRRR you can go to my blog profile & get the link.


    Can't wait to talk to you again. That was soooooo much fun to chat on the phone yesterday. Were you surprised????? HUGS!

  6. Good for you!! You'll do fine. I remember going on a long antiquing trip by myself for the first my forties. I had driven from Texas to Kansas and stayed with relatives then struck out antiquing my way to Detroit to a friend's. I'd never stayed in hotels by myself. It went fine...I had a great time and felt like a big girl.

  7. I love it....DRIVE BABY DRIVE! Best decision and one I think you will be happy with.

  8. I so wish I was going to be there to meet you! You are going to have such a fun adventure! I love road trips! I might just have to plan one myself soon!

  9. Yaaaahooooooooo.....!!!!!!!! Up, up, up and away! Have the bestest time ever and be kind to Willie in the way!!!

  10. Yayness!!!!
    Can't wait to meet up with you!

  11. What??? Long and boring didn't score???
    Now you make me nervous you wild girl, you!! Better call along the way and when you get there so's we know you're o.k. and having a blast!!!!

  12. Hi Susie!! Happy trails, be safe and bring home tons of great JUNK!!! And take lots of pictures! I dream of a trip like this someday! Take care, Julie

  13. Have an awesome trip! I am looking forward to hearing about your adventures. Don't forget, pack sunscreen!!! Cheers

  14. Oh you are brave! Just how many miles is that? Hoping you'll have a safe trip, I know you're gonna have so much fun when you get there and will be loaded up for the trip home!

  15. I would of went with you....just sayin'

  16. I will be with you in spirit!! I love a good road trip! IT just doesn't love me back. Have fun. Tammy

  17. Oh, yes, and pack several hats, caps, visors, sunglasses and short sleeve shirts and shorts and/or pedal pushers Lucy!
    Unless a cold front blows down here..or over are going to be HOT! Just letting you know, but do bring something JUST in case it does come a little cool one. The mornings (can) will be a little chilly! But, remember, you will be in Texas, and we have every kind of weather ~ all in one day!!
    Sunscreen....lots of it!
    See ya will have a blast =)


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