
Saturday, October 16, 2010

rosa & josie's, diane cook at marburger farm

It's Saturday Sweet Hearts...what do you have planned for the weekend??  :)

I'm off to Kai's soccer game & then to my little shop, 'Lambs & Ivy Boutique', for my final weekend of sales. I can truly say I have absolutely NO REGRETS. I am thrilled with the idea of being able to travel this winter with my sweet hubby looking for JUNK & livin the Gypsy Life!

I thought I'd share some of my photo's of my dear friend Diane Cook's awesome booth at Marburger Farm. She is an amazing jewelry designer, my inspiration in my own jewelry creations & if not for her, I may never have even known about the fabulousness of the Texas Junky Lifestyle!

I ADORE her postcards & hang tags...

Who created these gorgeous designs? Silly me...I did, what am I thinkin?
{a shameless attempt at self promotion, lol}

Everything Diane touches is done with perfection & class, including her beautiful booth at Marburger!

Here she is the morning of opening day, she's so dear to me. I came to Texas for many reasons, but meeting my friend was at the top of my list!

This fabulous banner looked great as the entrance to her booth!

The image we used is from one of her family cabinet cards of two little sisters holding hands & she had the original photo in her booth. I was excited to finally get the chance to see it in person, it's so precious!

Her designs range from bracelets of leather & lace to necklaces of vintage crystals & beads.

Her Etched Layered Cuffs are beyond beautiful & were published in this Belle Amoire Jewelry magazine.

I LOVED this dress form bedazzeled with her designs...

Soooooo Yummmmmmy!

I was overjoyed when Diane gave me one of her ice resin necklaces that says, "Face Your Journey"!
How perfect is that sentiment for my 'Great Texas Adventure'...Thank You friend!

And then I had to have another one that said, 'Marburger Farm' with the cutest image in it. I wear them together ALL the time!

This is a new design she's come up with & will be teaching a class on how to make them. It's a sterling silver thimble filled with loveliness.

To find out more about Diane & her classes & jewelry designs, go visit her blog, rosa & josie's . You won't be disappointed!

And for me, I'm off to complete a portion of my
life's journey.
One door closing, as so many doors open.
Life's adventures are always unfolding, if we are only able to be brave enough to SEE with new eyes!



  1. Your blogging just makes me happy. That's just the way of it. The Olde Bagg

  2. Oh, are such a dear friend. Thank you for capturing that day in only the way you can my dear Susie~with excitement, joy and gratefulness!!
    I can hardly wait to see you again....even one more day is way too long isn't it?
    Have a great day my friend, and know I will be seeing you VERY, VERY soon =)))

  3. I love it! Diane is awesome! You captured a part of her so nicely!

  4. So MANY attributes in one LANKY Californian package....Fun, Funny, Smart & CLEVER (both words hold TWO very dif meanings for me....!) I LOVE your designs Suzie girl & am in AWE of Dianne's talent....!!

    Your NEW adventure's running parallel to mine....Go JUNK SISTERS....!

    Have an AWESOME week Lovey....!

    Cheersf rom Oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  5. Suzie,
    The two of you are a perfect pair. I love what you have done for her and her jewelry is soooo beautiful and looks so beautifully displayed. Congratulations to you both!

  6. Wow! I am blown away with your friend's jewelry designs!!! Am headed over to check out her website....and browse thru your archives! You have a lovely blog....I am enchanted beyond belief!!!

  7. Wow love your blog.
    So happy we found each other.

  8. How could it be that I did not leave a comment yet on this fabulous post about a FABULOUS person?? I adore Diane as well...and oh I'm envious that you two got to meet in person!
    What great pictures of her beautiful booth... everything is a thing of beauty.


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!