
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

home again means Disneyland!

Happy Hump Day Sweeties...
Well, my Texas adventure is over, but my real life adventure is just beginning! I'm in the mist of closing out the shop, which will lead me to yet another fork in my road called life.

But, as seems to be a pattern in my life, along every path comes unexpected detours. My beautiful daughter Courtney was given 3 free passes to Disneyland & California Adventure for last Sunday, which she joyously asked me to share in with her & Kai. Now having just gotten back from my trek & knowing I needed to sell some merchandise...I told her I should probably not go & work instead. She responded, "What?? Mom, free passes to Disneyland, have you lost your mind?"

Anyone who knows me knows what a ridculous answer I had given her. I would NEVER pass up a chance ANYTIME to go to Disneyland, it's my Home Away From Home...Courtney grew up there!

Awakening from my self induced stupor I shouted out, "OMG, what am I thinkin, of course I want to go with you to Disneyland!" I don't care if I have to pack everything up & just bring it you know how much a hopper ticket to Disneyland costs these days?? You don't want to know! Let's just say I could probably buy 2 Magnolia Pearl tops with that money.

So last Sunday, I was at the Happiest Place on Earth with my daughter & grandson! {you can read about why Disneyland means so much to me here , from an earilier post}

The sun was shining, the sky was blue & it couldn't have been a better day to enjoy the park! Kai got to see soooo many of his favorite Disney characters.

And the best part was that it was all decked out for Halloween & they turn the Haunted Mansion into The Nightmare Before Christmas, which we all just LOVE!!!

Here's Jack & Sally with Courtney & Kai...

Oh yeah...I almost forgot. Another perk she got with these tickets, is 4 front of the line passes for each of us. So we could pick the 4 most crowded rides, use our pass & go straight to the front of the line...that ROCKS PEOPLE!!!

We used them on Space Mountain & The Haunted Mansion In Disneyland...

& Soarin Over California & The Tower of Terror in California Adventure.
{ps: check out the hat & tank & ring I wore, The Junk Gypsy's were represented by Moi}

Here's Kai with his Jack Sparrow sword which he loved! It's soooo easy to  please a kid, a $6.95 Jack Sparrow sword & it was like GOLD to him, you gotta love it.

Mommy & Kai...

Monga & Kai...

Woody & Kai! :)

Because we are such a Disneyland family, if having to choose between Disneyland or California Adventure, the Big D will always win. Courtney had never been before, I had been once when my friend took me for my birthday & Kai had been with his Daddy a few years back. When spending that kind of money, you just have to know you are going to have the most amazing time & I just don't get that at the other park.

I do adore the Soarin Over California sit in what looks like a row full of swings & once safely secured, you start to fly up into a movie of Yosemite, the ocean, San Francisco, orange groves that you can smell the sweet aroma of their blossoms. Totally cooooool...

Kai had fun looking at some of the Cars movie props & went on a couple fun little rides & then he & Mommy braved the Tower of Terror, which I was too ascared to go on so I waited out front for them to finish. They both really liked that ride...but our overall consenses was that if we had paid full price to get in, we would have been really disappointed.

Moral of the story...
Stick to the CLASSIC'S & you'll never be disappointed!!!
Happy Halloween month friends & I hope you enjoyed our little excursion to The Happiest Place on Earth.
I never leave empty hearted, my memory banks go so far back with this one...everytime I go it's like


  1. Sometimes you just got to go and what a wonderful time it looks like you all had.

  2. What a fabulous time. Yay for you three. My husband wanted nothing more for his 35th birthday than to go to Disneyland. We have vowed that we will go for his 65th as well. The Olde Bagg
    psssssst....your grandson is a doll baby and your daughter is ain't so bad either grandma.

  3. Oh Susie it looks like you all had a FAB day....I've never been to Disneyland....Hey....Maybe next time I'm in California we can go together.... :o) !!

    Oh those 'front of the line' passes you mentioned would be WAY COOL to be able to use to get into flea markets & shows hey....hahahahahaha....!!

    Cheers for now from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  4. I gotta tell ya...not having Disneyland is the only thing that keeps Texas from not being perfect. I've dreamed of going there (not Disney World only Disneyland will do) since I was a little girl!
    You have the most beautiful family and what a perfect way to enjoy a day.
    P.S. you believe in prearranged g'daughter is 8...just saying!

  5. Susie,
    You are one wild and crazy lady! Just go for it and have fun. I love your daughter's comment. That's what our daughters are for! Speaking of your daughter...she is a doll, as is Kai. Katie and I are needing a little help from you. Gotta figure out how to find you again!

  6. Oh, I was just talking to Allen about Disney and taking Alton one day (soon)...I just loved this trip with you! I would love to be there once again, and yes, I too would be ascared to go on the Tower of Terror, BUT the Soarin over California would be just up my alley...smelin' orange groves and all!!

  7. Home and gone again. Nothing beats a trip to Disneyland--it truly is like being in a fairytale world. It's been a while since we were there and I'm sure it has changed quite a bit.

    I'm so glad you decided to go!

  8. What a fun time. I love Disneyland and since I grew up in So. Calif I went there a lot back in the 60's. I know it has changed but it will always be a magical place to me.

  9. This sounds like so much fun...I'm so glad you went! I'm such a kid at heart, that I would go anytime, too!! The 1958 photo of your family at Disneyland is one of my favorites ever!

  10. Did I understand that you are closing your shop?! I hope I didn't read that right!!

    I live just a few miles from the Big D and can see (and feel the boom in our chests) the fireworks at night....we are getting ready to move to Corona....and I will miss our light shows in the night sky...a lot :)

    So glad you went...and had a fab time ;0D

  11. Sigh...I love all things Disney! We have been to WDW at least 15 times and can't wait to go again! Thank you for the Wonderful photos!!

  12. UhOh! I just left a comment and clicked something and now it's gone! :-(
    Just wanted to say I'm glad you went to Disneyland - it looked like a fantastic day and one everyone will remember for a very long time. I love that picture of you all with the pumpkin Mickey. Thanks for taking us along to Disney too! :-)

  13. What beautiful memories you are making for your daughter and Kai.......
    ..just catching up,..closing your shop?
    I'm sure you will miss it somewhat, but it's an obligation and responsibility and eats up alot of time, right?
    Your trip to Texas made many great memories for you, love all of your posts and pics!
    See ya agina soon,
    Lucy XOXO

  14. See ya AGAIN soon,
    I seem to have been doing those kind of typos all day!

  15. How fun we used to take Dylan to Disneyland all the time. We need to renew our passes and go again. Its soo much fun. Courtney and kai are so cute. They remind me of me & dylan.


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