
Monday, October 11, 2010

san antonio & The Alamo

Happy Monday Sweet Hearts!!!
It's hard for me to believe a week has gone by since I was walking the fields of Texas. When you have such a remarkable awakening as I did to the fabulousness of the Junkified Lifestyle, all you want to do is to get BACK TO IT!

Hittin the open road now kind of calls to me, but at least I have some amazing memories of the two lane blacktop. I truly am The Accidental Tourist!

Takin the detours in life has lead me to some of the most wondrous sights & historical landmarks this country has to offer & The Alamo was not a disappointment. Here is the Memorial to The Alamo Defenders that stands proud & strong in the Alamo Plaza under the blue Texas skies.

Erected in Memory of the Heroes who sacrificed their lives at the Alamo, March 6, 1836 in the defense of Texas. "They chose never to surrender nor retreat, these brave hearts with flag still proudly waving perished in the flames of immortality that their high sacrifice might lead to the founding on this Texas."

The Alamo is smack dab in the middle of downtown San Antonio.

Standing there looking at the 360 degree view surrounding it, it seemed like the perfect tribute to this little mission built in 1758, where such a pivotal battle in the Texas Revolution took place.

As with all the Texas Missions, their simplicity mixed with such amazing ornate stone work, always leaves me in awe.

The Live Oak Tree in Convento Courtyard, was planted in 1914 to beautify the grounds. It is HUGE!

And there are several cannons still on the grounds that were actually used in the famous battle.

The entrance to The Alamo Museum & Gift Shop...

I have to admit, the one thing that took me most by surprise, was how moved I was walking inside The Alamo. No photography is allowed once you have entered the hallowed grounds where so many fought & gave their lives.

Looking into the actual room where the women & children were hidden at the height of the battle, unexpectedly my eyes filled with tears & the hairs on my arms stood up. The feeling of their fear was tangible to me, standing near that cold, stone room.

The Alamo will be unforgettable to me. I am soooooo glad I took the time to see this National Treasure & a little more of San Antonio!

I Loved The Alamo Plaza Gazebo...

& some the architectural details I found walking the streets of San Anton!

I was so excited to see this sign! I spotted it while I was still trying to figure out where to park & my mind took me back to the idea of a 5 & 10 a hundred years ago. Possibly a soda fountain & little pharmacy, sundries & some fabric & ribbon on vintage bolts...but that was not to be. It was a typical tourist store selling Alamo souvenirs, bummer huh!

Knowing I was running out of time & so needed to hit the road, I considered not seeing San Antonio's Riverwalk, but it was the 1 thing my Dad thought I should see.

So, again...I took the time to SEE!

And again, I'm soooo glad I DID!

The Riverwalk or Paseo Del Rio, is a 2 1/2 mile stretch of beautifully landscaped waterfront on the San Antonio River.

A photo of my little friend, who must have known I was all by myself & decided to keep me company while I sat at an outdoor cafe drinking my Shiner Bock & eating a hot dog.

Even the birdies are more friendly in Texas!

The Riverwalk was beautiful & I soooo wish I could have stayed longer & really enjoyed some extra shopping & dining along the river's edge.

But a little taste of something fabulous, is better then no taste at all.

I LOVED San Antonio!!!

Heading back to my car after my rather long detour, I saw this on the side of 1 of the old buildings near my parking lot & thought...'Me & Texas have a lot in common'! LOL

I'm going straight home & painting this on the front of my house!!!!
Texas Rocks!


  1. Morning Susie....!

    Your GORGEOUS post & photography took me back to 1995 when I visited the Alamo myself....I too was in awe & the feelings you described when looking into the room where the women & children took refuge during the battle made me feel EXACTLY the same way....!!

    How WONDERFUL this building has survived through the years....EVERYONE should visit it at least once....!

    The riverwalk is STUNNING....My Friends & I had lunch there soaking up the atmosphere....HEAVEN....!

    Texas DOES rock....!!!

    Cheers from Australia Lovey,
    Tamarah :o)

    PS: ONLY 6 months to May & Antique Week 2011....hahahahahaha....Be there or MISS OUT....!!

  2. Even though I am a next door neighbor to Texas, here in NM, when we did our hill country trip in the spring (bluebonnets and all), I so fell in love with Texas and on our way back, we stopped in San Antonio and I was head over heels...gone. You have inspired me to do the road trip to the Junk Gypsy prom next year.....thanks girlie, you made me feel like I can do this. You're a goodie. The Olde Bagg.

  3. I adored San Antonio when I was there. The River Walk is amazing... I hope you got to go see the Little Village (I forget what it's called) where they sell local artisans' wares and wear. The most amazing thing about the River Walk to me is that while on it, you are surrounded by large buildings and high rises, but you'd never know it. The buildings along the River Walk are so discreet, you just don't notice them. All you notice are the beautiful plantings, fountains, bridges and cafes.

  4. Susie,
    Thank you for the tour. I never dreamed there were such beautiful buildings and greenery in Texas. I have never been there. I grew up witht the "family story" that my brother was born six blocks from the Alamo ((probably in some dumpy Army dad was in the service). This looks beautiful!!!

  5. Beautiful, Susie...a city I need to put on my "must visit" list!

  6. born in london and now living in france i am itching to get back and visit the states. your fabulous post hasn't helped! haha...

    ps: 'caustic comment' giveaway chez moi this week, feel free to join in the tongue in cheek fun.

  7. Thank you so much for the armchair visit. So enjoyed being able to share your journey.

  8. Hi Susie! Thanks for sharing the gorgeous photos of San Antonio. We almost planned a side trip there when we were in Marburger but ended up going to Fredericksburg instead (loved it!!!). I am loving Texas too and I am already dreaming of springtime in Round Top....hope your week is beautiful ~ xo Joy

  9. Oh I see San Antonio also stole your heart!!!! Hee Hee I'm so glad. It is beautiful. Now, imagine that riverwalk with thousands of Christmas lights DRIPPING from the trees & music playing... Are you coming back at Christmas to see that site? A little teasing you with images might help. Today I posted photos of you at Pandora's! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh blankie calling you? Get on down here girlfriend & the rest of you pop over to visit me so you can see Susie in bed. HUGS! Charlene

  10. Isn't our Texas wonderful?!?!?!? I have been to the Alamo many, many times...but, I still get the chills every time I step inside. I've stayed at the historic Menger Hotel across the street, but my favorite place is the Crockett, right behind the gardens. We always ask for a room on the side facing the Alamo so we can look over into the gardens as the sun sets. Yep, we're proud of our Texas...the history, the heritage....don't even get me started. LOL

  11. You visit such beautiful places, and I love how your pictures are exactly what you would notice when traveling to such a neat place. Just rolling by (thanks for stopping by my blog), and keep up the great blog and posts!


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