
Monday, December 6, 2010

The Gift of Serendipity & a Surprise

A new week is upon us Friends & along with that comes new Possibilities!

I believe in Serendipity.
The definition is:
1. The phenomenon of things coming together perfectly when you least expect them to.
 2. The effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely.
Thus has been, my amazing 'Gift of Friendship' from Diane Cook

{susie & diane at marburger farms last September}
Diane found me through my blog, although I don't know exactly how she came across it.
I do know she was taken with my Disneyland post & loved the design of my etsy shop banner.
She contacted me to help design a brand for her to use on her blog rosa & josie's, for hang tags on her beautiful line of jewelry & to help promote her classes on the art of making jewelry.
It was a simple design from a vintage cabinet card she had of two little sisters holding hands.
As I played with this image in PS, there were so many things I fell in love with. The little pleats in their matching skirts, the floral embroidery & piping that decorated them, the crispness of their shirts & of course, how tenderly they held each other's hands.

Who could have ever imagined that one design job would make soul sisters out of strangers, inspire me to create my own jewelry, introduce me to some of the greatest talents in the art of jewelry making, get me design jobs, motivate me to travel half way across the US to the great state of Texas to be a part of an Antique Experience like no other, indirectly introduce me to The Junk Gypsy's & Magnolia Pearl, directly introduce me to my gal pal Charlene Pearl of My Heart's Ease & unknowingly change my life forever!
I couldn't have!

{one of diane's displays at marburger farms}
Serendipity, right?
So, I go to Barnes & Noble to pick up an issue of Artful Blogging that I know Diane has been featured in. As I flip through the pages & see her article, I am overjoyed for this amazing & talented woman I now call friend.

Heading towards the checkout, I grab a Belle Armoire Jewelry magazine just for the heck of it, thinking that maybe an ad I recently worked on for Jeanette at might be in this issue.
Again, with the magic of serendipity, what a wonderful surprise I had in store!

As I slowly turned the pages, wanting to take in each exquisite article, I saw one that caught my eye...
A Necklace Round Robin by Cindy Wimmer of Sweet Bead Studios . How exciting, I know Cindy, Diane introduced us & I worked on a design job for her ArtBliss Workshop.
Then another...
Where Inspiration is Hatched by Ricki Schumacher of Riki Jewelry. How cool, she & I had just been emailing each other about setting up a time to work on some blog design, she liked the work Diane & I had done together.
And then, there it was...
The Art of Presentation, Her Grandmother's Wedding Veil
Artwork by Diane Cook...
and spread across 3 glorious pages, were the images of two little sisters holding hands.

{diane at her booth at marburger farm}
One of Diane's favorite sayings is...
Come join me...take my hand, as we travel on this journey called life....we will learn together.
Diane is the embodiment of generosity. She can never truly know what an amazing gift
she is to me.
The effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely.



  1. What an absolutely beautiful and inspiring post!... I am going back and read it all again... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. Susie, how wonderful! And yes, I believe in Serendipity as well. Otherwise I would not have stumbled upon so many beautiful and inspiring blogs (yours is definitely included) in my stumblings in the blog world. It has opened my mind. Ann

  3. Ain't life grand? If it were not for poor daughter would have to be just doing with regular things from here for being such a good daughter but now.....she's gonna be the belle of the ball in "stuff" from Junk Gypsy and I never woulda found you wandering around in Carlsbad Caverns, needing to take the escape elevator.
    Now with the mention of all of your lovelies, I have a whole lot of other places to visit and oooooh and ahhhh and know the pleasure of their wisdom as well.
    Great post sweet lady. The Olde Bagg, Linda

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Susie,
    I do believe in divine appointments, and that nothing is by chance in this world. I am so grateful for our meeting, however it happened, and you know what my friend....your work speaks for itself, all I did was listen =)

  6. Susie,
    I have so much enjoyed your blog and traveling to TX with you in spirit. I also have to say two cheers for Diane, what a great lady. She is so very talented. She dropped by my blog one day and I have followed her ever since. She was the reason I found your blog.
    Have a great day, much love.
    Debbie x0x0

  7. Suzie,
    That is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing this! Diane is a treasure!

  8. Great Post! Before I started blogging I only went online to check my email. Serendipity happens to me all the time while blogging like seeing my long time(before blogging) good friend, The Boston Lady, leaving comments around the world.

  9. OMG Susie, how amazing is that. I've made so many friends through blogs and had the opportunity to actually meet them, like you, and consider them (and you) friends. Now, you are going to have to pack up your vehicle AGAIN in the Spring and come and sell your treasures at the Big Shows! Why not, you can do it I have complete confidence you can and besides just imagine how many wonderful stories you'll have to tell everyone about your adventures :) Smiles friend, T

  10. Susie, I just about jumped out of my bed the other night when I was looking through my Artful Blogging Magazine...There they were-the two sweet little girls. I thought, "SUSIE!!! HEY, SUSIEEEEEE!!!! I know that picture!!! YAHOOOOOOO!"
    It was a lot of fun!!
    are you better yet????

  11. Serendipity indeed! Such a wonderful and inspiring post my friend. Isn't blog land a great place to hang?! Wishing you so much more success and new friendships

  12. This is such a sweet, fun is full of serendipity when we open our lives to possibility...

  13. We are indeed LUCKY girls to have found each other! YOU have to come back to Round Top!!!! It just wouldn't be right without you. And your work for Diane is truly magical & perfect for her. NOW I NEED SOMETHING WONDERFUL FOR ME! New Years... Funny, I did 2 posts about Diane this week. I can't wait until she retires so we can play more. Maybe we'll make it out to California. HUGS to my Susie Pearl. LOVE YA! Charlene Pearl

  14. Susie, it was through Diane that I "met" you, and my life is the better for it. You are an amazing blogging friend, and I hope that one day I'll get the chance to meet you as Diane has. You're the best!

  15. P.S. Both of the ads you made for fundametals rock...they jump right off the page. You are our resident graphic designer for sure. :-)


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