
Friday, December 10, 2010

My Vintage Christmas

I am one of those SILLY people who absolutely LOVES everything about Christmas, maybe I should have been born a WHO! lol
From the second Thanksgiving is officially over, until New Year's Day,
I eat, sleep, think & dream Christmas in living color, sprinkled with sugar plum fairies & white twinkle lights.

I adore carefully opening up my boxes of Christmas's Past & getting a chance to see my much cherished vintage Johnson Brothers Christmas dishes & my collection of vintage 50's ornaments for the tree.

How easily I can remember back to my own childhood Christmas's so filled with magic & wonder.
I remember a pillow my Mommy had made for me. A sweet, little round pillow of Santa's face made with love out of felt & sequins.

She made a set of 6 little angels that hung on our tree, each one playing a different musical instrument. They too were made of felt & sequins & I LOVED them so much...sequins were like pixie dust to me as a little girl...pure magic!

What I wouldn't do to touch & hold & smell those memories, just one more time.

I remember getting all bundled up during the holidays & going to Belmont Shore where we would park & walk the small town Main Street, looking at all the Christmas displays in the store windows.

Then, my Daddy would drive us a little further down Pacific Coast Hwy to where the rich people lived. We would walk the sidewalks outside their homes, glancing into their world at their huge Christmas trees covered in grand lights & surrounded by beautiful presents & bows...

but it never took away from the magic of our little tree at home with the sweet homemade felt & sequined angels.

I love the words of Dr. Seuss...I too believe Christmas means a little bit more.

'Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before.
What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store.
What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.'

Here's to wishing all of you Sweet Hearts,
the joys & blessings of wonderful childhood memories, your very own Vintage Christmas & "a little bit more!"

I am also joining Debra of Common Ground for her Vintage Inspiration Friday post. The theme through December is to share your Vintage fun is that! Come on over & join in the fun, there are so many lovely links to visit. I hope you will enjoy them as well.

PS: My 400 Friends Give-Away is in 3 days!!
If you haven't left a comment yet, click here to be entered...Good Luck All!



  1. How very kind of you to share such a wonder. I love the vintage ornaments.....just like the ones I used to song and life. There is magic in the magick of Christmas my friend. I hope yours is filled with love, joy and peace. The Olde Bagg herself, Linda....a true believer in the more.

  2. Well after reading this post I think you are a WHO;) And that is a good thing:)Your tree is so pretty. Have a wonderful weekend.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. Hi Susie!
    What a sweet blog you have! I love your inspiring Christmas pictures and reading your memories of Christmas past!
    I've become a follower and will visit again soon!
    Merry Christmas to you!
    Warmest Regards,

  4. Love this post! What great memories you have! I love a vintage christmas !! Your decorations are beaufiful!
    Have a great weekend!
    Tammy :-)

  5. Hi Susie... I so love all of your vintage ornaments, especially the indents... but even more so, I love your precious memories, and I really love that you still call your mommy "mommy" and your daddy "daddy"... my mama and daddy have passed away, but they will ALWAYS be mama and daddy!... I just know your beautiful home with the handmade felt ornaments was so much more filled with love and the true meaning of Christmas than the huge fancy houses... Christmas comes from your heart... not your pocketbook... love to you... xoxo Julie Marie

  6. Somehow you have summed it all up beautifully. Love all your vintage ornaments and your memories of past holidays. I wish I had been more diligent and treasured my mother's Christmas decorations. I guess she didn't think they were all that special, but they are, aren't they? What I would give to have some of those things I saw around the house as a child. But lesson learned. My children may not be particularily interested now, but one day the old box that mom put away for them might reveal some old memories and a lot of love. Beautiful post. Ann

  7. Ah your house looks so pretty - just love all the ornaments! I remember as a kid my brother and I would always argue over who was going to hang the silver teapot ornament on our tree. I'm not sure why we loved that one so much but we did. It disappeared many years ago. Last year I found one almost like it at the flea market and it was my prize for the year. I'd been looking for one for years. I have it hanging on my tree and it just brings back so many memories. Merry Christmas!

  8. Christmas is so magical as a child. Thank goodness for the wonderful memories to make them just as magical as an adult. I love your vintage ornaments!!


  9. Oh so pretty! Those little striped bell ornaments, I have some too, they belonged to my mother, she and my father bought them their first Christmas together, I love them. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  10. Sigh....and yet another home that inspires me to enjoy this season more than ever!!!!
    love you!

  11. ADORE the Christmas post!!!! Your tree looks wonderful! I remember those Shinny Brite ornaments! Wonder where our all went???? HUGS!
    Charlene P.

  12. The tree is so beautiful, you did a wonderful job Can't wait to see more of it. Luv he quote from the Grinch ;o).
    Christmas Greetings from Canada,

  13. I have been decorating more and more with vintage Christmas and just love it!! Just adds so much more charm than the Wally world and Hobby Lobby stuff! Your tree looks wonderful and I enjoyed hearing your Christmas memories. Coming from a big family, I have many of my own! Also love your Charlie Brown Christmas music-mine and my daughters FAVE!! Have a great weekend my dear!! Smiles, Julie

  14. Thank you for sharing your treasured memories with such lovely photos! I love the music ~ my all time favorite!

    Hope you don't mind but after you mentioned the Grinch ~ Boris' voice read the rest of your post in my head!

    Happy Weekend!

  15.'s official. I already suspected we shared a I realize we share a heart as well. This was just beautiful to read and in my mind I could see your sweet face as a little girl. A Who indeed...sweet Cindy Lou should be your middle name.

  16. Your home looks so beautiful. Love all of your vintage ornaments and really enjoyed reading your post.

  17. Susie
    Memories to behold...Beautiful vintage over here.

    Joyeux Noël

    Ps. I love the post card on the tree with sequined angels.
    so beautiful.
    sweet Christmas dreams and making new memories.


  18. What precious memories you have of Christmas! Love your ornaments, oh how I'd love to have some of those that were on the tree when I was little! Thanks so much for such a wonderful post and for linking up with VIF!.
    Blessings for your Christmas Season,

  19. Just so beautiful! I loved reading about all your memories. :) Kit

  20. Thanks for sharing your memories and decorations. Just lovely.

  21. Lovely ornaments, tree and memories... Thanks for sharing...

  22. Hi Suzie,

    Its funny how so many Christmas memories for so many people are the same. There are parts of your post that I could have written word for word. Thanks for sharing, your blog continues to inspire me with every post.

    P.S. Love your Christmas china!


  23. Such a lovely post, Susie...such sweet memories! Your tree and ornaments are beautiful...and I love the JB dishes! I use the Friendly Village set with some of the Merry Christmas pieces...I'd like to find more of those beautiful Christmas dishes!

  24. What a Wonderful Post Susie!I Love your Memories of Family Traditions! Little did we know At the Time, that it would be something that we would Cherish and Remember always!
    Happy Monday Friend!

  25. What sweet memories frosted with the most sweet vintage ornaments and sugarplum fairies =))
    Wishing you many more days of Christmas dreams my friend....


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!