
Friday, March 12, 2010

No Friday Flea, But How About Chocolate Brown Walls?

Hi Best Buddies...I hope the sun is shining in your part of the world, finally it's out here, I have the front door open & I can hear the birds chirping with glee, yeah!!! The house is uncommonly silent. Courtney & Kai are down in Huntington Beach until Sunday, hubby is off working in LA for a few weeks, so I have the house to myself which is wonderful & weird all at the same time.

So in celebration of this rare occasion, I decided to pass on Friday Flea {which is almost like trying to kick crack cold turkey} & do something I've been wanting & needing to do for 4 years...paint my bathroom. It's been a dingy white forever, but the one thing I've always loved is it's beautiful, fresh white trim. Thinking about color choice, the main thing I knew I wanted was something dramatic that would really pop all that wonderful white.

I called my sweet friend Victoria & told her I was thinking about painting the walls chocolate brown or a dark cranberry & she thought it was my winter gloom talking & maybe I should rethink these color choices. So, I did rethink it...but I kept coming back to brown. I could see myself getting tried of a rich cranberry after a while, but brown can be fabulous like brown & white transferware dishes, I adore those.

So off to Ace Hardware I went to buy my painting supplies. I settled on the color 'Beautiful Brown Eyes' {now who wouldn't like that} & I've been a painting mamma jamma ever since. I have a couple more second coat areas that need to be addresses, some dry time & then to get in there & hang everything backup, but by tomorrow I will take some pics & post my 'New Bathroom Makeover', I hope you all love it...I can tell already I do!
My usual disclaimer: {I by no means am a professional painter, in fact I kinda suck. I'm afraid to paint to close to the ceiling, so that will have to wait until I have an epiphany} See you here in the morning & until then..have a magical day!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

More Fabulous Fabric Flowers & This Time, A Ring all know me! Yes, when I say I have a tad of OCD when it comes to these fabulous Vintage Fabric Flowers, I am speaking the truth. Every time I step foot in my studio now, which happens to be in my shop & may not be good for business, my hands can't grab fast enough for my scissors & fabric. I anxiously cut my strip of fabric, I cut out what could resemble a circle of card stock, plop a dollop of glue from the glue gun in the center & start to roll & wrap & glue...roll & wrap & glue...roll & get my point, it's almost hypnotic!

But one good thing came out of my frenzied crafting, I decided to try & make a ring! Yes, a matching ring & even if I do say so's FABULOUS!!!

All the same principles apply as before. The circle base is only 2", the fabric 1 1/2" & no 2nd level is needed so these are REALLY easy! Any kind of ring base can be used, I used a light weight, flat, metal filigree that I then bent into a ring shape & I attached my flower with thin craft wire that I put through the vintage button, down through the flower, in & out of the filigree & then wrapped it up under the flower a couple of times to secure...easy peasy! Hope this gives you some more ideas for your flowers & as before...I will not be held responsible for any burnt dinners or wrinkled clothes due to craft related OCD's! lol
{for original tutorial click HERE }