
Friday, October 1, 2010

sunset over tucson, hearts over texas & baby gypsy love

Good Evenin Sweet Hearts...
I wonder how long it will take for me to lose my southern accent? lol
It may take forever for me to lose my southern love.
As I head west following the sunset, my mind & heart are still in Texas.
I take so many delightful images with me like the ruffled britches & cowboy boots of a baby gypsy.

I call this one 'boots & band aids'...

an auntie's watchful eye over the littlest of gypsies...

& my most favoritest Junk Gypsy Model.
{she was very hungry}

For a moment, she had her eye on me...
but then, I had my eye on her too!

This all happened the night of Miss Theresa's Fabulous Blog Party & although it didn't win, my favoritest servin dish for the party was the lampshade!
My Darlin Diane of Rosa & Josie's & Treasured Theresa of Garden Antiques Vintage
enjoyin the evenin.

My sweetest of friends & my dearest of hearts...
they helped me see & find my way.
I never felt lost or alone or scared, cuz they were right there with me, holding my hand on this amazing journey.
Diane & Charlene,
{along with there hubby's Larry & Allen}
you are my Texas Angels!

Enough of that gushy stuff...back to the fields!!
Carolyn Westbrook was there signing her new beyond fabulous book,
The French Inspired Home.
This is a must have book filled with wonderful inspiration an beautiful photography!

This looks like I could be back at the Vintage Trailer Rally, but no...even better!

What could be even better then a Vintage Trailer Rally you may ask?

Sisterbelles Cupcakes!
Does the word yummmmmmmmmy ring a bell? Lemon was my favorite!
I know I ate more cupcakes then the legal limit!
If they had performed a breath analysis on me, it would have come back 100.00 percent sugar!

And who can forget...
The Junk Gypsy's Fabulous
Funny Money

Winning Animals...
Winning Numbers...
How does this sucker work???

Place yer bets Ladies & Gentlemen...
you too can be a winner at the Funny Money Wheel of Fortune!!!
How do they find this stuff??? LOL

I had to go to Royers Cafe while I was in Round Top...

If I didn't, it would be like going to Paris & not seeing the Eiffel Tower!

Do you think anybody would notice if I just happened to take this off the porch & put it in the back of the Durango??
Yeah...that's what I thought.

Wow, I feel so lucky!!! Everybody said this place would be packed & during show week, I could expect to wait upwards of an hour just get in the door!
What...their CLOSED!!!
Don't they know I drove all the way from California just to have a piece of pie here?

Well ladies...I got more then pie here!!!
I found a new boyfriend named Larry. Now, I know he's Charlene's hubby & all, but he's got such a sweet drawl & he says things to her like "if you want it baby, go get-it"!
Now how do you not fall in love with that??? Plus he likes cows that look like oreo's, I mean that's just cool! Now again, as usual I haven't told my hubby yet, so I would appreciate it if you would keep this on the down low for the time bein...till I get around to it. ;)

So friends, as I watch the sunset over the skies of Tucson...
I remember back to some small towns & back roads & open fields.
Of a blue sky & a big yella house & some soft pilla's & I think to myself...

I'm happy to be goin home so I can hug all my baby's, but I know I'll be comin back...
probably sooner then later! :)


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

livin large, lovin magnolia pearl & marburger & sadly leavin Texas

This has been a WHIRLWIND tour of Texas for vintagesusie & wings!!!
I have walked more fields, drank more sweet tea, eaten more yummy cupcakes, seen more divine vintage & justifiable junk, loved more Junky Gypsy's, drivin more miles of back roads for a meal, loved me more bloggy gals & their men, seen more teased up hair & ruffled britches, then I ever have in my whole, entire crazy life & I have absolutely fallen in LOVE with TEXAS!!!
I have SOOOOOOOO much to share with y'all, {yes, now I have a southern accent...what? I think they're cute!} I barely know where to begin from here...but, after Warrenton & The Junk Gypsy's, my next big adventure was Marbuger Farms & what comes with that is a phenomenon all it's own named Magnolia Pearl!
Many of you know this magical sea nymph of the Texas plains. This is Robin Pearl Brown, creator of Magnolia Pearl designs on the opening morning at Marburger Farm.
My sweet as Texas tea, gal pal Charlene from My Hearts Ease & her boyfriend hubby Larry & I, had arrived early opening day to see our favorite lovie, jewelry designer Diane Cook of Rosa & Josie's. {& that's another post all on it's own} After spending time admiring her fabulous booth & new jewelry creations, Charlene & I made a beeline for MP.

One of the things on my list of MUST DO'S in Texas, was to buy something from MP. I had no idea what to expect when we got to her showroom, but it surpassed any expectations I could have had. It was like entering Fairyland! & suddenly I too, wanted to be a fairy.

Robin was surrounded by her fellow fairies & adoring fans, but to my joy, she took the time to come over & tell me she liked the way my fairy blouse looked with my camo shorts.

This sweet as pie girl, is one of Robin's models & was she was helping Charlene find a pair of ruffled britches...we just adored her!!!

Everything in there was stunning!

I wanted it all, as did every other women in her booth!

For me The Junk Gypsy's & Magnolia Pearl were two of the highlights of my trip! They are ying & yang & yet both... pure Texas!

I LOVE this picture of my shabby little shopping cart sittin outside of Magnolia Pearl at Marburger Farms. She has had quite a trip & seen more then many people ever will...lucky little cart! {TG for her, she saved my arms}

Finally out of the MP booth, I display my new attire, but who cares about me...look at those chandeliers!

By now, I couldn't even tell you where we were. I can only let you share in some of the glories that were Marbuger...Enjoy!

Oh, so yummmmmy...

I adore this baby shoe...

lovely linens...

rust & lace, so cool...

I love any & all religious icon...

again, stunning...

& what a fabulous antique crib, right!
I'll tell you my friends, I am heartbroken to be leavin Texas.
We share a common spirit.
A love for junk.
A common passion for creation & design.
And I will NEVER, ever forget... the Wide Open Spaces
& Glorious Skies above this awesome state!
I will forever dream of CLOUDS!
Thank you Texas, thank you friends, thank you family who got me here.
I am blessed!!!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Warrenton in all it's glory!

Greetings Sweet Hearts!!!
My adventure has been as big as the great state of TEXAS, but by yesterday it was time to just kick back & enjoy the show! Nothin CRAZY happened, thank the Lord, as I needed a break & just wanted to take in Warrenton in all it's JUNKY GLORY!!

I LOVE me some good ole rusty mailboxes...

& I'll tell you what...our traffic cops sure don't look like this!!

Can I say I was DIGGIN the guns & the saddle! He was tellin me to MOVE ON, but I told him to HOLD ON, I just had to get some more PICTURES OF HIM & he gave me a tiny little grin...ain't he cute?

I still haven't gotten over to this booth, but I want some of her white, flowing cotton. It looks soooo cooool! {as in not hot, lol}

Fall in Warrenton, equipment & pumpkins, LOVE IT!

The line for the cupcakes is longer then the line for the port-a-potty, but today I'm gettin me one...yummmmy!
I ended my day yesterday at Zapp Hall lookin for the fabulous Miss Theresa from Garden Antiques Vintage bloggy fame.

& look who I found sittin in her booth...the infamous & divine Miss Debbie & Cat Daddy from Trash Talking! They are a HOOT & A HALF & I adored them both right off the bat!

And Sweet as Pie Miss Theresa was truly the hostess with the mostest. She had the greatest fan known to man & gave me an iced tea & the cutest little red vintage chair to sit on & I didn't leave until she was ready to roll up shop! Tonight she's having a blog party & I can't wait to go say "Hi Y'all" to all my bloggy buddies!

Oh & by the way...did I tell ya she had the most wonderful junk in her booth!

Here in Texas, I've seen some glorious things...but do you know what I'm going to miss the most when I have to go back to Cali? Yes the friends I've made, yes the gingerbread houses, yes the amazing array of antiques. But what I'm going to miss the very most is...

The skies of Texas are like no other!

Ever changing.

Always amazing.
If you want to see God's handy work & you happen to be in Texas...just LOOK UP!
I do LOVE it here...If it only wasn't so dog gone HOT!!!!
Today, I'm off for yet another day of walkin the fields looking for some more good junk
& tonight
So, from one Cowgirl to another,
Happy Trails Friends!!!