
Monday, December 13, 2010

T'was the Night of the Drawing...

{images provided by Getty Images}
T'was the night of the drawing
& all through the land,
vintagesusie & friends
sat wringing their hands.

The present was placed
by the tree with much care
& a feeling of wonder
hung thick in the air.

Will it be me?
thought Trisha & Cindy.
Might I be the winner?
dreamed Debbie & Wendy.

A cowboy hat
will determine our fate,
if only she'd tell us
my God, I can't wait!

The silence was deafening,
every breath was held tight.
The moment approached
as the moon shone so bright.

In her cowboy boots,
all dressed up for the show,
vintagesusie looked stunning in
the twinkle light glow.

She held out her hand
& went right to her work,
pulled a name from the hat
& then turned with a jerk.

Reading aloud
the name she did give,
while praying the losers
would still want to live.

Pappy's Cowgirl,
Congrats my Sweet Heart,
let me give you a twirl!"

Thanks friends for playing,
it's been such a delight,
Happy Holidays to all
& to all a Good Night!

vintagesusie  ;)


  1. Super cute poem...sad I didn't win but loved that you used my name!!


  2. Well, I didn't win. Actually, I'm not even sure I entered. But that's okay, I just like stopping by to listen to the music and say "howdy-do." The other song that comes to mind whenever I hear this is "Snoopy and the Red Baron." My brother used to play that record over and over at Christmas.

  3. That's the first time I ever smiled and laughed while losing a contest. What a very fun way to announce the winner~~Grats Judy! I loved the images, so great.

  4. You are such a great story teller my friend =))

  5. You have such a way with words girlfriend. FUN POST!!! Congrats to the winner but, most of all thank you for having the give away. HUGS!

  6. Congratulations Judy. I loved the poem. It was just right.......The Olde Bagg, Linda

  7. What a beautiful post and great way to anounce the winner! Congratulations to the lucky girl.
    Have a wonderful day.

  8. Darn!!! But Congratulations to Judy! Love your Post Susie! And Thank you for hosting a Giveaway!
    Happy Monday..or is it Tuesday. .. Well Happy Day Anyway!

  9. Sooo cute!... congratulations to Judy!... xoxo Julie Marie

  10. I love your poem and the wonderful photos! Congratulations Judy!!!!

  11. If it couldn't be me
    said Trash with a sigh.
    I'm happy for Judy
    and that ain't no lie!

    Pickin' and grinnin' in Texas,

  12. Love the pics and the poem! And congratulations to Pappy's Cowgirl!!!

  13. Reading that little poem made losing much more fun ~ thanks!!

    Congrats to the winner!!

  14. Congrats to Judy! What an adorable post, Susie!

  15. I'm laughing so hard... you're priceless!!!

    Congratulations to Judy!!! And oh my gosh - your photos are GORGEOUS!!!

    ;-D xoxo

  16. OMGosh!!!!! I can't believe it, is it true!! I won. I was reading the blog and I thought this is a cowgirl theme if I ever heard a cowgirl theme!!!!! YYYYYYYYYes Pappy's Cowgirl won. I am so happy. You know I said its not to far to get together and deliver it!! You know where I got the name Pappy's Cowgirl. Pappy was my Grandpa's name and he always called me his cowgirl!!!! I loved my Pappy so.
    Thank you Susie, the best part is getting to see you again! Thanks to all the girls on the blog thanking me. Isn't this fun!

  17. Hi Susie, Your poem and pictures were as fun as your giveaway!! so darn cute!! Thanks for sharing it with us! Julie

  18. Congrats to Pappy's Cowgirl!!
    Susie, I've enjoyed your Christmas posts...all of the nostalgia - it's wonderful. Reminds me of when I was a kid and my Grandmother would come bearing tins of fruitcake and sugar cookies. She had those great glass ornaments too...and my kids have broken a number of them unfortunately as toddlers. We have yet to put up our tree, so thank you for putting me in the Christmas spirit all the way from the West coast!


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