
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Home & the Garden Antique Vintage Blog Party

Can you believe 8 days has gone by & I'm already back home?
I can't, it flew by in a wink & TEXAS was as Crazy as ever!
I LOVE this picture from the Blog Party of all the gals that were in our
'Crazy in Texas' 2011 Tour.
front row from left...Rita, Cindy, Riki & Diane
back row...Sandy, Charlene, Susie{me}, Karen & Joy.
We walked the fields, shopped, junked, talked, ate barbecue & pie, did I say walked & just in general had an awesome Good Time!!!

I took about a million pictures as I always do & will break them up into several posts...but this post is about Miss Teresa of Garden Antique Vintage's,
Blog Party at her booth right next to Zapp Hall.
She is the bestest hostess ever & blogger's come from far & wide to attend her event...
even the Junk Gypsy's!!
Here's Miss Amie, Miss Jolie & Mama Gypsy, Miss Janie & I LOVE them!!!  ;)
{see the pink tee Amie has on...I have a GREAT story to tell y'all about that,
but it'll have to wait for another time}

Now, being that these are the Junk Gypsy's & they are about as sweet as pie...
they did not come empty handed. No, they came with Pink Party Bags in a wheelbarrow...
really, how cool is that??

I love me some amy...
Amy of Amy Boland Photography & Amie of Junk Gypsy's fame.
{there's that cute tee again...}

Jolie Gypsy is chattin it up with Suzanne & Tracy from Rusted Gingham...
{I sure wish I lived in Texas & could go to their Barn Sale}

and here are the stylings of my gorgeous friends & fellow crazy people, Charlene & Joy...
don't they look FABULOUS!! Sweet Charlene was the tour guide & den mother of this group. She drove, scheduled, planned, did airport runs, made dinner reservations, pushed carts, brought waters, passed out snacks & let me sleep in & be the last one to breakfast everyday,
with a Smile on her Face...
you ROCK GIRLFRIEND...Thank You so much for EVERYTHING!

Miss Teresa's booth was amazing, as always! I thought y'all might enjoy a tour...

loved the great old frames...

& I just have a thing for the beauty of vintage family records like this one.

How cute is this display & the burlap pillow & lace...adorable!

A dream in cream along with a pink flamingo...

oh, & looks who's Talking Trash, Miss Debbie & Cat Daddy.
{hey, is she doin the pageant stand? I think she}

Don't ya just love rusty old bikes, especially with a basket full of flowers on the front.

And I thought this lamp shade made from delicate lace was killer!

A rainbow in a box...old rolls of ribbon lookin like they just came out of the five & dime, yummmmyyy.

Our lovely hostess Miss Teresa herself, getting caught in a Kodak moment. The challenge for the party this spring, was for everyone to make a fun name badge to represent themselves & their blog. At the end of the evening we all voted for our most favoritest.
And the WINNER of this coveted award is....

Lisa from Pix Up Sticks!
I adored her & her sweet little southern accent & I thought her necklace name badge was so cleaver. She used a broken antique doll as the base, added her name, a key for an arm, a cowboy boot for a leg & miscellaneous fun stuff in between, BRAVO Girlfriend!

And coming in 2nd place, was our very own Sandy who made each one of us in our group the cutest little shoulder bag made from tea stained muslin & lace. It had the image I made for our group on the front, along with each of our names & I absolutely ADORED mine. Thanks sweet friend!  :)

And just to make this event even better, my loving friend & sister in all things jewelry designer Diane Cook, was the featured artist. She is the reason I ever FOUND Texas in the first place, which then lead me to so many other wonderful people, places & things. Thank you friend for so much!
You know what Sweet Hearts???
I'm coming to truly understand how much I LOVE Texas & exactly why!



  1. Susie, looks like you had the bestest time!!! All your pics are great! I'm jealous LOL! All you guys look like it was non-stop fun! Your post was so good! I'm looking at it tomorrow again. Looking forward to more!

  2. What a great post!
    It just thrills me to see all of you, and especially to see Sweet T's space. I missed y'all!


  3. WOW! Your post was wonderful...i love seein all those great pics of the Texas show. One day I'll join all you lovelies there! Looks like a dang good time to me! Thanks for sharing it all!
    Tammy :-)

  4. Wow what a great adventure! Thanks for sharing all that awesome eye candy for those of us who couldn't be there.

  5. Here I am, living in the Heart of Texas, and I've never made it to Round Top. It just jumped to the top of my "TO DO" list! Looks like fun and fabulous time!!!

  6. OMG I must get down there one of these times. I better start saving my dollars, huh?

  7. "goodness gracious sakes alive!" Thank you for the post, so appreciate all the pictures. I'm up here in the North, and I can tell you, the short sleeves look so inviting. But most important it looks like so much fun!!! One day I swear my penny savings are going to add up and I'm heading to Round Top.

  8. Susie, I absolutely loved your post about great ole junk (I mean, treasures!), good friends and good times. And talk about a million wonderful memories in just a few short days. Sure would love to tag along too one day and see what allt his Texas talk is about! :-)

  9. I am so glad I have found your blog!! I enjoy each and every post!! I was in Warrenton last week for 4 days and loved it! It never seems like enough time to see and remember everything!

  10. What a blast it was to see you, always one of the highlights of the show is visiting with you. Thanks for coming to the blog party, we had a great turnout with great food too.

  11. OMGosh! You took some awesome pics. I was there on Thursday and looked for Charlene, the only gal I know in the bunch. She is a jewel! Are you ladies going to the Fall show? I want to go and never leave.
    Anywoo...I wanted to make a book bird from MP's booth and couldn't find a good photo. Cindy C sent me to you. I too, bought doilies and even a victorian nightie in a booth down from MP. Hoping to make one of her $800 creations for under $100. I know it won't have her touch but maybe I can come close.
    Glad you had a fab time and I hope to meet ya sometime.
    Blessings ;-)

  12. Susie, it was great meeting you at the blog party. And I was so excited to win the name badge contest. I can't wait until the Fall show. Your story about the Junk Gypsy t shirt is awesome. By the way, what was in the Junk Gypsy bag? I didn't get one.
    Lisa @ Pix Up Stix

  13. The real excitement is shown in the post. It reminds me of the old days when I used to have such nice time with my friends.


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!