
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Marburger Farms & Sweet Magnolia Pearl

Happy Sunday Sweet Hearts!!
Oh my many more scrumptious pictures to show you from the 'Crazy in Texas' Tour 2011! Here are a few of my very favorites. On opening day at Marburger Farms, the thing that is on most women's mind is...'Get me to the Magnolia Pearl booth ASAP!!'

It truly is a Feast for the Eyes!

The theme this spring was 'BIRDS' & they were everywhere.

Birds flyin through the booth made from old books & real birds singin in handmade wire cages...

huge flowers made from newspaper...

a sky of woven twine...


To bask in the glory of Magnolia Pearl ruffles is pure heaven on earth...

simply yummmmmy!

I LOVED this Pearl tote with the embroidered birds on it

& gorgeous Krista wears it ALL so well!

Robin's designs for the spring were so beautiful, vintage romance was everywhere. I loved these split ruffled bloomers with the ties, I know Riki got a pair of those.

So, since I ADORE MP so much & really don't have the $$$ to buy what I'd like, on this journey to Texas I bought DOILIES!! Yes, about a million DOILIES! LOL

My thought being, anything must look better with a doily added to it...right?
A doily as a pocket or a patch, added to purses or as an edging.
Yeah I gotta tell ya, right now I'm all about the DOILY!  ;)

Sweet friends Riki & Charlene with our darlin Krista, all decked out in their Pearl.

And my 'Crazy in Texas' pal Cindy who is a complete hoot, actually GAVE me, did you hear that right, GAVE me a pair of MP bloomers! Can anyone say, 'Susie LOVES Cindy'?  ;)

More flowers...

more ruffles...

& more PEARL!

Here's Robin Brown, designer of everything PEARL, helping Cindy adjust her pearly straps appropriately & since Cindy was havin a MP Bloomer Giveaway on her blog...Robin had to pick a number between 1 & 64 to choose the big WINNER.
And the WINNER is... 

you got it, SEVEN! Lucky number 7!
Just so y'all know, the cheapest MP bloomers are $200 & the ones in the giveaway are brocade.
Like I said...LUCKY number 7!

This display was sooo coool, the dress was completely coated in wax & the live birds sang beautifully perched on their antique food stand. There you have it my friends, a little Magnolia Pearl to start your Sunday off right...I hope you had as much fun as I did!
Now, I'm off to Laguna Beach for lunch at The White House with my family. My brother is here from Baltimore interviewing for his fellowship in vascular surgery at several CA university hospitals...
Stanford, USC & Loma Linda.
Yeah, he's wicked smart!  ;)



  1. Seems like just yesterday when we were there!!!!!!! I miss all my people!!!!! :) Ms Cindy can just say it all can't she??? Hee Hee! Cracnky pants looks OK here. HUGS!

  2. So many beautiful things, I have to find out, if we have places like this in Atlantic Canada too.
    Warm wishes,

  3. What fun! Wish we had something like this here in the southeast.

  4. Oh Susie how were you able to make yourself come back home? The pics tied my stomach in knots. WOW all of those fabulous clothes. And days of shopping...I'll bet your mind is still whirling. So when are you loading up and heading out? Thought of you often while you were there having such a good time. You'll have to tell us all about it.
    Sweet Blessings, Abbey

  5. OMG I love all those ruffles, oh how I wish I could have been there. Florence

  6. Heya GORGEOUS....!

    It was SO WONDERFUL to catch up with you again Lovey & I'm THRILLED you got to see visit with Robin at MP....How SWEET & GENEROUS is your LOVELY Friend Cindy....Oh how I WISH I HAD ME some bloomers....I bought the jacket Riki is wearing which I ADORE though I guess I'll have to wait 'til September to nab a pair....hahahahaha....!!!

    It was FUN looking at your pics & it made me SMILE OUT LOUD to see we had taken quite a few of the same ones....!!

    Have a WONDERFUL week Susie & ENJOY those ruffles....!!!!!

    Your Aussie Mate,
    Tamarah xxx

  7. Wow, what an over the top wonderful display!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  8. Oh pretty girl, your photos make mine look like "poop" in comparison, I love the post and you are so sweet to include photos of me in my wild frenzy of madness. I'm glad you we're not there for the total! You would have hauled me off to the nut house. But!!!! I would have been the best dressed nut in there! Miss you already-cin

  9. A magical tour of MP ... thank you !! I've enjoyed every minute!

  10. Good evening, Susie,
    I found your through a link a Karen's blog. It is very nice to meet you. I enjoyed my visit here!

    Have a nice evening. ~Natalie

    p.s. I think I am your 500th follower. Congratulations!!

  11. Hey there Crazy Texas Woman!
    It does seem like just yesterday doesn't it? We did have fun!!!
    I think she looks so much smaller in person - I had thought she was a larger woman, but she was a tiny little thing!
    OK, how come I don't remember you wearing your MP? Post a picture - come on!
    Have a great week.

  12. Next October I've GOT to make it to the Magnolia Pearl "booth". We went to Warrenton this year and only had one day, so we just couldn't get to everything we wanted. Last year we were SO excited because we ended up driving right next to the MP Airstream and now we've wanted one ever since. I've added myself as a follower. Hope you stop by and see my most recent Warrenton pictures. Happy Spring Ya'll from Houston!

  13. Oh my gosh everything looks absolutely
    I LOVE all of the ruffles !!


  14. I'd love to see Magnolia Pearl's things in person, but then I'd just want to spend money I don't have. I'd really like to have a sweet little jacket like Riki is wearing in the photo.

    Sounds like you had a lot of fun!

  15. Thank you for making my smile BIG and my heart WARM!!! SOOOOO Beautiful!!! Lisa Granberg,Blanco,Tx

  16. Thank you, your pictures are so nice.
    Come here from

    Have I nice week

  17. Yes thanks for all the great pictures where I can only dream of going to Magnolis Pearl's booth to see for myself her clothing


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