
Thursday, April 7, 2011

500 Friends & Something Special for Natalie!

Good Morning Sweetest of Hearts...
Something amazing has happened to me!!!
Yesterday, I hit what was a huge milestone for me & vintagesusie & wings.
My Dearest Natalie from Tin & Treasures, signed up as my 500th friend!!!

I joined the blogging community 2 summers ago after buying my 1st issue of Artful Blogger at the Barnes & Noble in Baltimore's inner harbor. To be honest at that time, I had heard of blogging, but had absolutely no idea what it was. I could never have imagined the journey this amazing community would take me on!

The places I've been, the people I've met, the friends I've made, the inspiration I've felt, the creativity that's shared, the generosity of spirit, it all has truly just blown me away!!

But for now, back to NATALIE!
Congratulations on being my 500th FRIEND!!!
{balloons are rising, fireworks light up the sky, the sound of cheering can be heard from far & wide, a diamond tiara is placed on your lovely head, 499 heads all turn your way as we walk together to the podium & I pick up the mic}
Sweet Natalie, natalie, natali...{echo}
Thank you so much for becoming my 500TH, 500th, 500...{echo}

You are the winner of an unknown giveaway that I have had in mind for along time now.
Please email me with 3 little things...your name, your mailing address & some of your favorite vintage items that you would have been looking for, if you had gone to Texas with me!
You are my milestone Friend, friend & I can't wait for you to receive your Major Award!
{all things lead back to 'Christmas Story', lol}

The crowd breaks out into a loud and roarous chant...Natalie, Natalie, Natalie,
 as she skips happily off the stage & into the throng of admiring friends!!! ;)
I adore all of you, my Sweetest of Hearts & THANKS to all of you for being a part of my amazing ride!!



  1. Very cool post with all those fireworks and graphics :D Yeah to the 500th!!!!!!

  2. Congrats to Natalie.
    And wow your trip to the mecca of junkers and trash trove collectors was so kewl. I loved every picture and every detail. I'd say ya dun gooooooooood. And the t shirt tip of the hat from the darlings of Junk Gypsy's is not shabby either. Congrats. Your devoted fan in NM. The Olde Bagg

  3. I love your post all the design is Fabulous!!! Congrats!!

  4. Ha!! I'm so glad to be one of the 500!!

  5. Wow!! Congratulations!!
    I t is funny that one of the reason I a visiting your blog was to say thank you for being a follower and for being there.
    Also I wanted to let you know that I have just opened me Etsy shop and to celebrate I am having a giveaway, I would have given you a glass of champagne but we run out!
    Anyway, congratulations asd enjoy!
    A big hug from Spain

  6. Congrats Susie! Wow, 500 in 2 years is true testament to your talent and likeability! You are a wonderful gal, My Dear...heehee!

    ...and congrats to Natalie! What a lucky girl she is!

  7. Good Morning, Susie,
    I'm so glad I came upon your blog...I love seeing what you have going on here! 500 followers in 2 years is amazing. The congratulations goes to you.

    Have a fabulous Friday. ~Natalie

  8. Congrats Natalie!!!

    And congrats to you on your milestone!! What a creative celebration you have going on here!!

  9. Congrats !! And you know so much ,look all those pretty pictures that you put around there! Your created a beautiful blog!!

  10. Congrats Susie, you deserve it! And a "prosit" to the next 500!

  11. Woo Hoo!!!! congrats on your follower milestone, Susie. ~ Sue

  12. ADORABLE POST & Congrats on 500 Friends my friend. I'm so glad we're friends. HUGS!

  13. congratulations to natalie! i am looking forward to getting to know you... blogging is such a gift...


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