
Monday, April 18, 2011

More Round Top, are ya kiddin???

No Sweeties...I am NOT kiddin!
I still have MORE pictures of my beloved Round Top to share with y'all.
So grab a cup of, 'Whatever Sounds Good Right About Now', kick back & enjoy the tour!! ;)

I LOVED the Coffee Bug!!!
I spent many a cold morning huddled under it's canopy, warming myself by the glow of an electric heater, holdin a hot cup of JOE.
{or in my case, Cafe Mocha}

Loved this sweet gal & 'Wild March Hares'...

she 'Doilified' my life!

This was the booth where I made my very 1st purchase of the festival & what did I buy??

Why, a Doilified Purse of course!!
Karen of Valentine Designs & I, both got purses here.
I adored the tea stained purse on the top, unfortunately it was a little more $$$ then I wanted to spend. But that's ok, cuz I LOVE mine & have used nothin but ever since.

Yummmmmmy Stuff...

this girl could make a doilified toilet seat look good! ;)

Paris Montana's booth is in a vintage, Bambi Airstream...soooo very cool!

As is her amazing, over the top jewelry designs!

In her case, I would have to say,
less isn't always more...

sometimes, more truly is just... MORE!!


Renck Hall is another one of the halls that was just, 'Out in the Fields'.
I mean really, talk about a 'Field of Dreams'!  ;)

I was enchanted by all the Textures...

& Color that is Round Top.

I bought a TON of goodies from this Lil Darlin, Claudia from Just Claudia Vintage Junkie blog.
Thank you Sweet Sheila  from Blessed and Distressed blog for giving me her name & helping me find her again!!

she had everything that I LOVE...

little bits & pieces of, STUFF...

old tin types, burlap bags & bottles...

Flotsam & Jetsam...

& doll heads.

And her prices were super GREAT, I just couldn't pass anything up!
I know, I know...y'all are gettin tired of Texas.
We're almost done, I PROMISE...this is the last of the shoppin pictures.
I just still have to show you the Music Institute & a little Dallas, Fort Worth.
They will be WORTHY, I swear!! lol
Thanks for stickin in there with me Sweet Hearts, you know I just want to take you with me everywhere I go!

with XOXO's


  1. It makes my eyes tired, but my heart happy...haha!

  2. there is nothing about your trip to Texas that could make me bored, tired or not be interested it all.
    BTW, you're the one who adds the vert word to your comment to someone this.
    vert word: samsom. That man is so purdy he's samsom.
    XOXO The Olde Bagg

  3. You had me at "coffee bug". LOLOLOL!!! My mouth is watering 'cause now I want some coffee!!!

    You just can't be over "doilified". *giggle* That word is sooooo you. LOL!

    I love it all!!! Is it time for the fall show yet? Oh wait - what am I saying? My car is still loaded!!!

    ;-D robelyn

  4. NOPE...NEVER get tired of Round Top or Warrenton, and so on. I only live about 1-1/2 hours from RoundTop..and I love seeing all the things that we might have missed...just fun looking..cause you sure can't see it all in one day....we often go back two different days...depends on how my old legs are cooperating and we watch the weather report or out we go.
    Hope to make more stops in the Fall.

  5. Stop it!! It is like talking about a fun party that I wasn't invited to! Kidding, of course, cuz every photo I see just makes me want to go to Texas more and more! Someday. *sigh*

    OMG I want to go back next year too...OMG!
    Too flippin' much fun my friend - too much fun.
    Weren't we just there or has it really been THREE WEEKS!!!
    Me too!
    :) HUGS! Karen

  7. So much great all the doilification...

  8. Oh BUGGER Susie....I DO NOT RECALL seeing a few of these spaces....ESPECIALLY the coffee bug....Well if I WEREN'T coming back in September I sure as HECK would be now just to make amends.... :o) !!

    THANKS for sharing these pics Lovey....NICE to know what I missed out on....!!!!!

    GLAD you liked my tags....!!

    Hope you're having a SPECIAL week....!!!!!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah xx

  9. Never tired of all this wonderfulness!! Hope to make it out there one day~thanks for sharing the love!

  10. Wow I am thinking if I went to Round Top, I would have to save for a whole year!!!!

  11. I LOVED the Coffee Bug but,darn they were SLOW!!!!!!!!!! We lost valuable shopping time!!!
    And the doily purses... how you & Karen fell in love. And I am soooooooo glad you posted those photos of Paris Montanas booth. In fact I just sent Karen an email this morning asking if it was her that took photos of that necklace I wanted (with the clock face on it). I knew someone took photos for me (because my camera was buried in the cart). Do you have any more? If so would you send them to me PLEASE Susie Pearl? I talked to Cindy today & she is sick as a dog with that same YUCK I had when I came home from California. She's on MAJOR DRUGS! Miss you girlfriend. Still have Round Top "Stuff" all over my dinning room table. :0 HUGS!
    Charlene Pearl

  12. That was an awesome tour and I'm so sad that I wasn't part of it! Looks like a BLAST and sooo much that I could o spent $ on! Lucky gal! ;)Alyssa of Boston Bee

  13. That Little Darling is Just Claudia. You can find her at

    She is a wonderful vendor in the St Joe/KC Mo area.

    Looks likes you had a wonderful time!!!

  14. Please don't stop the posts about Texas. I have been living vicariously through your blog since the Junk Gypsy's posted about your impending trip to Texas last Fall. I love all the people you have introduced on your blog and you have really opened my eyes to getting out of California and traveling the road less traveled.....And, I THANK YOU!!!!..
    Lynette Smith

  15. Wow...after 3 trips to Warrenton in a 7 day period I thought I had seen almost everything....but it seems I missed alot! I love seeing it through someone else's eyes!

  16. Don't STOP! This way I can imagine myself being there amongst all those glorious things and I don't feel so bad about missing out on the trip!
    I have always been a doily freak! A doily can make anything look special! I know I would have purchased a purse, too!
    I love them so much but it's difficult to find them around these parts. I was surprise that I couldn't find any at the antique swap meet. So of course what source do I end up using?...Springdale Drug! They don't have a very good variety and as you know, if you find something you like you will pay way to much for it there. But it hasn't stopped me from spending Phil's hard earned money there! LOL
    I love all your stories and pictures.
    Thanks for Posting them!!!!!


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!