
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Round Top Festival Institute...Glorious!

Have you ever wanted to take the road less traveled
or been tempted to step away from the crowd & start your own journey?
What wonders might await you, just around the next bend?

Who would have ever thought little ole Round Top, home to 77 people & the junk capital of the world,
was also home to one of the best kept secrets in Texas.
it truly is, Glorious!

At the end of one of our busy days of junkin our tour guide, Charlene of 'My Heart's Ease', had mentioned wanting to take us to see this amazing music institute. I think getting back to the fields was primary in every body's mind, but as we started to drive by,
 Charlene made an executive decision.
"We don't have to stay very long, but I do think this is worth seein!" she said with her adorable southern accent, as we turned down the drive.

We were so blessed to have the lovely Charlene leading us.
Thank You Sweetest of  Friends, for taking us on the 'Road Less Traveled'.
While 1,000's of junker's shopped the fields of Round Top,
we were nestled away from the rest of the world at one of the most beautiful,
tranquil places I have ever seen...

a place of complete serenity.

& it's remarkable grounds,

it's corridors & paths

drawing you forward into a world of peace

& divinity.

I wandered alone on these grounds wanting to take in every magical sight & sound...

the Madonna & Child, hidden alcoves

& the soft, constant sound of water.

I have been to Rome, toured the Vatican & walked the historic Missions's of California & Texas...

but this simple chapel in the hill country of Texas, touched my soul.

Can you sense it?
Can you feel it?
Can you see it?

The Edythe Bates Old chapel was built in La Grange, Texas in 1883 as the Episcopal Methodist Church & was moved to this location in 1994...

& to our glory, the doors were open.

The only light we had once inside, was what streamed through the antique stained glass windows

& illuminated the dark within, again MAGIC!

Now don't get me wrong...
I LOVE my Junk Gypsy's & Magnolia Pearl,
I LOVE the fields filled with junk & treasures,
I LOVE Royer's pie & Blue Bell ice cream & Bar-B-Que,

but the highlight for me on this trip, was the Sweet Sanctuary at the
Thank you God & Miss Charlene, for the 'Roads Less Travelled',
for every time I have taken one, it has been, AMAZING!  ;)



  1. This is really a lovely, peaceful place, Susie! Just a sweet little hidden gem...thank you for sharing it!

  2. And that's not the end of the story. Susie's friends Karen and Cindy took a winding path only to find the most beautiful lilac bush. Little did they know they were in the front yard of BLANCH ALBRITTON ROYAL GORE. The mother of the man who built this wonderful magical place! She had just celebrated her 90th birthday and came out onto her front porch to see who her visitors were. She was the sweetest soul who told us her version of this institute being built by her son! They were listening when all of a sudden they realized they had a reservation at Royers and could not be late because Bud would give away their table to which she responded,"Now you tell Bud I SAID to behave and treat you girls nice!"
    Food at Royers, wonderful
    Pie at Royers outstanding
    The look on Bud's face when we told him who told us to tell him to behave.......PRICELESS!

  3. I can see it and I can feel it. I would love to visit there some day...and see both places.

    Ho is your brother doing, Susie? We were doing some legal paperwork the other day and he came into my mind. I wondered all day how he was going.


  4. I love this place and always try to visit it when we are in the area. It's so peaceful and beautiful and the gardens are just amazing!

  5. I don't know why this post brought tears to my eyes, but for some reason it did. Maybe it's because I enjoy the simple but meaningful things. Maybe it's because I so want to visit Round Top. Maybe it's because I'm ready for the road less traveled.

    Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Easter.

  6. What a beautiful time we had at this magic place. I JUST KNEW you all needed to see the little treasure "on the road less traveled" (I love how you put that) You know how I am... a little of this & a little of that... I miss you sweet Susie Pearl! HUGS!

  7. Thanks again for the visual tour of your dreams and adventures.

  8. This looks so peaceful and serene- perfect for a little meditation and a nice prayer to God. Glad you were able to see this, Susie. Have a Happy Easter and thanks for sharing your trip. ~ Sue

  9. What a truly inspiring place and wonderful confirmation that deviating from "the plan" is well worth the risk of the unknown :)

    Thank you for sharing this with us!

  10. Oh it's so nice to reminded of that lovely place!!! I wish photos could do the place justice. It was spectacular wasn't it my friend??? I could have hung out there for hours. Have a wonderful Easter sweetie!

  11. I loved seeing your pictures. We happened upon Festival Hill early this Spring and I was shocked! I could not believe how beautiful it was. We were the only ones there! My girls ran and hid and peeked out from dozens of secret spaces. It was hard to capture the magic with my camera. I cannot wait to go back when everything is in bloom. I've heard it is magnificent! So glad you got to experience our little Round Top secret!

  12. Hmmmm...we missed it! Joy and I were traveling the other way from the "road less traveled" and didn't have Charlene to tell us to go see it! :(
    Maybe next time! Thanks for letting me visit there thru your eyes!
    :) Karen


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