
Monday, May 23, 2011

Do you Adore Victorian Houses? Cape May is Amazing!

Happy Monday Sweet Hearts...
hope you had a fantastically fun weekend!
Hubby & I went on a treasure hunt,
searching for Vintage Trailers, the diamond in the rough.

We found several...
some needed too much work, some owners wanted too many $$$,
and some just weren't in original enough condition for us,

but it was an awesome day with my hubby that ended with a little river walk
& some sushi, who could ask for more, right?  ;)

By the way, do you ADORE Victorian house like me??

{the B&B that M&F stayed in}
Well I DO & my oh sooooo sweet brother & sister-in-law
 know how much I LOVE anything vintage, historic,
old, tarnished or tattered & they fulfilled all my dreams
by taking me & my Dad to one of the first Ocean Resorts in America,

Can I get a Woot Woot, or a Heck Yeah??
Cape May is Completely AMAZING my friends!

Since y'all know I love to add a little trivia to my posts,
Cape May has the second largest collection of Victorians in the nation after San Francisco.

In 1976, Cape May was officially designated a National Historic Landmark...
it is the only city in the United States wholly designated as such,

Going up & down the streets of this quaint village,
I couldn't help but imagine women in hats & long dresses,

the image of a horse & buggy strolling up the avenue,

and the sound of children's laughter, all dressed in white,
playing on the porch in the summer breeze.

There is MAGIC in this place,
I could feel it!

Many of these Gorgeous Victorians have been turned into Bed & Breakfast's...
you can come in the summer, bring along your beach cruisers,

pack a basket full of wine, fruit, cheese & crusty bread
& spend the day riding & shopping & walking through history,

{The Inn of Cape May built in 1894}
making sure you get back in time for afternoon tea.

I'm going back & that's exactly what I'm going to do,
do you want to come along?  ;)

And just when I thought it couldn't get any better,
it DID!

Catholic Church
built in 1911 is Breathtaking!

The stain glass windows in this historic seaside church,
were some of the most GLORIOUS ones I have ever seen.

The richness of their color & intricacy of design,

the beauty of the light shining through them,

spilling light & color onto the church walls,

surrounding you with grace & WONDER,

it was HEAVENLY!

Truly, BREATH...


With my passion for vintage religious icons
that recently seem to be regularly scattered through out my posts,

one might think I am an extremely religious person, but I'm not.
I don't take any pride in saying this, but it is one of my truths.
I am a spiritual person filled with the spirit of LOVE,

of Truth, of Right & Wrong,
of Forgiveness & of Hope.
I fell in LOVE with this little church by the sea!

And just to make an AWESOME place even more AWESOME,
it has a Lighthouse!

Yeah, The Cape May Light was built in 1859 & is a sight to behold.
The tower is 157 feet tall, from the ground to the tower's cast iron spiral staircase.
There are 217 steps from the ground to the top,
with 199 steps in the tower's cast iron spiral staircase. 

The Lighthouse parking lot is lined with these beautifully designed birdhouses.
As you can see, the birdies loved Cape May as much as I did.  ;)

I love the beaches of the Pacific.
I have driven California's coast line many times over my life...

but there is something about East Coast beaches

that seem straight out of a movie to me.
The wavy old picket fences weathered from the sea,

the shingled cottages & estates decorated with gingerbread,

the dunes & wild grasses that grow in the sand,

Does anybody else just want to sell everything you have except for your most cherished pieces,
pack it all up & move to Cape May with me??
Note to Self...Check Mapquest to see with is closer to Round Top, Texas
here or Cape May, NJ. LOL
Let's Fly!!!



  1. Oh wow , Love the Houses & the beaches!!Looks like you had alot of fun friend :)


  2. ****Waving like a crazy senior*** Wait, I am a crazy senior and I want to go. I need a semi for all my most cherished things and room in the cab for my crazy ol senior furbuddy. I love Cape May. I want to be incredibly rich and live at the "Angel by the Sea" B&B forever. You are so lucky!!!!

  3. Very nice photos of Cape May. My in-laws lived there, and my father-in-law's funeral was in that church. Beautiful photos.

  4. Flying is the answer!!!! Except maybe BF & I will take our new 5th wheel. Check out my post from Monday to see a photo of it. Plus, you'll adore my friends two vintage trailers that she has fixed up (included in the same post).

    Those houses in Cape May just pull me through the computer screen! I WANT ONE!!! But, I KNOW those winters would be MORE than Elle & I could deal with. So glad you are back safe & sound. Thanks for sharing!
    Charlene Pearl

  5. Good evening, Suzie,
    I just love the details and character in those old homes. And the looks like a dream vacation!

    Have a terrific Tuesday ~Natalie

  6. I did a post about Cape May last summer. I'm so happy you enjoyed Cape May. It has been my favorite place in the world since childhood. I am blessed to be living on the NJ shore in an 1880s Victorian. Your photographs are beautiful. I love NJ beaches unfortunately, we have the highest property taxes in the nation.


  7. WOW~~Thank you for taking me on a little trip this morning..............I am from Southeast Texas and have only been on the East Coast once. Cape May looks really cool. I love those houses as well, I love looking at them in Galveston

  8. I'm in awe as such amazing homes! I've seen the victorians in San Francisco on a walking tour, and now I MUST go see the ones in Cape May. What a wonderful place to visit. Thanks for sharing another one of your journies with us.

  9. I love Cape May! It is a true gem- plus it has great shops.

  10. Seeing this post tells me once again, I have to get out more. This is NOT the New Jersey I imagined. I want one of those houses so bad! I may make one play house size just for me and the my old cat moses. I am just in awe of Cape May. I hope you don't mind if I copy those photos of those houses. I want to go back and look at them over and over!!! xoxoxo-cin


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