
Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Inspiration comes in many forms...
one never knows when or how you fall into it's grace.
Yesterday it arrived in the form of this childhood picture.

I saw it for the first time on facebook,
my sister-in-law Francesca's father had put it on with a small statement...
"Any of the 'Family' know with certainty who this little one is?"
I looked at it closely & knew I had just recently stared into those eyes.

Sunday evening we had gone to huge family birthday party for two adorable twin boys, with all of Francesca's Baltimore relatives. This side of her family came from a tiny village in Sicily called 'Milici'. I sat & talked with the Grandmother, the matriarch of this family for quite a long time listening to her stories in broken english half mixed with Italian. She talked of life in the village & how she had cared for the children of family & friends, as their parents came to America leaving their baby's behind until they could send for them.
John was sitting next to her & he was one of those baby's.

John & his wife have suffered unimaginable tragedy in their life recently.
I knew who that baby was, as I had just been looking into those sad eyes. 
Inspiration comes in many forms.
Last night I was inspired by a beautiful old photo & a
bittersweet story that can be told through the
'Eyes of a Child'.



  1. just many stories to be told and felt. I love what you did with the picture.

  2. Lovely digital collage. Bittersweet story and very touching.

  3. I have not visited you in awhile, but I'm glad I stopped by today. So beautiful and poignant. Ann

  4. Beautiful, my are so very talented.

  5. Love the photo before ad after your digital artwork! Hey where did you find the scrolly frame?? Glad you're having fun. Oh hey Charlene's birthday is June 1st! Call when you get home!

  6. What a gorgeous embellishment of that old photo! Amazing how you knew those eyes.....
    :-) sue

  7. What a beautiful creation & story Susie!!! That digital piece moves my very soul! Thank you for sharing both the art & the story. HUGS!
    Charlene Pearl

  8. So amazing! I can't wait to see more.
    Have a great weekend.
    Ladybug Creek

  9. Love the story and the new header!!!


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