
Monday, May 16, 2011

vintagesusie in Washington DC

Greetings from Washington DC Sweet Friends,
what a FABULOUS Adventure I've been on!

On this particular evening,
we headed to DC to see the monuments at night, lit in all their glorious beauty.

DC's Chinatown was our 1st stop where we had an amazing, authentic Chinese dinner...

here at Tony Chengs...yummmmy!
My favorite is always Lemon Chicken, but they also made a delicious pan-fried chicken & noodles.
{I don't know why I didn't take a picture of the food,
probably cuz I was too busy eatting it, ha, ha}

Anyone who has hung out with me for any length of time, knows I can be rather chatty.
But as my window was down in the car so I could snap pics,
I couldn't help myself & had to chat with all the local drivers...
did he like me or not??? Hard to tell.  ;/

I've been to DC several times, but never had the chance to actually go to The White House...

on this trip, it was on the very top of my WISH LIST!
1: See The White House!

So guess where we headed right after dinner???

{these ban the bomb signs reminded me of something straight out of the 60's}

"For two hundred years, the White House has stood as a symbol of the Presidency,
the United States government, and the American people."

It's history is the history of this nation, simply standing there inspires Patriotism.
Now, on to the tour....

Located in Lafayette Square across from the White House, The Hay-Adams is one of Washington D.C.’s most revered landmarks.

St John's Episcopal Church known as the Church of Presidents.
St. John's first service was held in October 1816.
From that time to the present, every person who has held the office of
President of the United States has attended a regular or occasional service at St. John's.
Pew 54 is the President's Pew, and is reserved for the chief executive's use when in attendance.

Adjoining the church at 1525 H Street, N.W., was once the British Legation. It was here in 1842 that Lord Alexander Baring Ashburton and U.S. Secretary of State Daniel Webster signed the treaty finalizing the border between the New England states and the Canadian Maritime Provinces.

The present Treasury Building is a magnificent granite structure in the Greek Revival style; it was built over a period of 33 years between 1836 and 1869.

The Wilson Building is home to the executive offices of the
Mayor & the Council of the District of Columbia.

After the look the bus driver gave me, I wasn't sure if I should take a pic of this taxi driver...
but by the smile on his face, I knew he wanted me too. ;)

proudly houses the official United States Bells of Congress,
a bicentennial gift from England celebrating the end of the Revolutionary War.

Originally built in 1899, The Old Post Office embodied
the modern spirit that was sweeping the country.

The site of the April 14, 1865, assassination of President Lincoln,
Ford’s Theatre holds a unique place in United States history.

The theatre has enthralled millions of visitors since its reopening in 1968,

and it is one of the most visited sites in the nation’s capital.

It holds the original copies of the three main formative documents of the United States and its government: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
How coooool, right???

The third oldest federal building in the city, constructed between 1836 and 1867, the marble and granite museum has porticoes modeled after the Parthenon in Athens, Greece.

"The United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., is a symbol of the American people
and their government, the meeting place of the nation's legislature."

By the time we got there it was dusk,
the sky was gorgeous with the most beautiful sunset...

Construction of the U.S. Capitol began in 1793.

Our first close up, glimpse through the trees...

this really is an amazing & glorious building,
standing there looking at the size & grandeur of The Capitol
I have to admit, I was in AWE!

The cast-iron dome was constructed between 1855 and 1866
& may well be the most famous man-made landmark in America.
At night, with the lights glowing... it looks absolutely MAJESTIC!

The Washington Monument was built between 1848 and 1884
as a tribute to George Washington's military leadership
from 1775-1783 during the American Revolution.

“In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the Union,
the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever.”
I LOVED DC at night,
the lights, the architecture, the history, the pride...
Red, White & Blue,
Forever May She Wave!



  1. DC is a wonderful place to visit, and in fact our family favorite of 'city vacations'. I probably had my mouth hanging open in awe most of the time we were ther (except for when I was eating).

  2. Beautiful pictures!! I love DC - there's always something new to "discover"!

  3. WOW!!!!!!!!!!! That's about the only words to say when looking at these photos! You did an amaing job with these! I know you are having a blast! HUGS! Charlene Pearl

  4. Susie,
    It looks wonderful to see it through your eyes. Your pictures are so beautiful! Thanks for the vicarious adventure, sweet lady!

  5. OK I'm just glad you were on the outside of the bars in that first shot! Great post!! Check out my new blog design :) Miss ya chica'


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