
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

FLYIN to The Junk Gypsy's & Round Top's the HUMP Day & the weekend is almost here!!!
Just had to share with you my finished creations for the


Right now, as we speak, these SPOONIN necklaces are flyin over clouds & fields...


over mountains & streams & longhorn steer,
makin their way to one of my FAVORITEST places on Earth...


Round Top, Texas!
I would love to be a tiny fairy & slip effortlessly into the parcel & make this
journey with them. Oh, to see the JG's face when I popped out & grew to full size...
what a GREAT Surprise I'd make!


But alas, I am not a fairy & can only dream that it is so,
unless you have some Fairy Dust handy!!
Do You my Sweet Hearts???  ;)



  1. Oh I've got plenty of dust, just not fairy dust!!!

    Enjoy your trip!!!!

  2. Congratulations girlfriend! That is so very exciting that they are flying their way to Texas!! YAYAYYYY!!!

  3. Let me look around and see if I can come up with a bottle of Alice's "Drink Me Potion" for you...then you could just slip into one of your packages.
    P.S. I love your pendants...they are so favorite color.

  4. They look shiny and screaming out to be worn! How fun :)

    I have just about everything else around here right now except fairy dust...pickled ogre eyes, spider eggs, slug slime...but no fairy dust :(

    (We're getting ready for Halloween at my house in case you couldn't tell...heehee)

    Continued success, Sweet Susie!

  5. Oh, how I wish I were going with you and your spoons!

  6. If I had some fairy dust handy I'd use it on you so you could make that journey! I'd use it on myself too... to make the journey with you! Congrats!

  7. Heck, I'm still looking for the kitchen Fairy to make dinners every night!!!
    LOVE, LOVE the shiny, pretty, spoons!!!

  8. Susie, a hacker broke into my email so I hope the message you received wasn't from the hacker. If so, I hope you didn't open. Sorry about that, this makes me so mad that they've done this. Trying to figure out how to fix it. Have a great weekend, T

  9. GOOD JOB Susie Pearl!!!! I know the GJ girls will LOVE these. I think Round Top will be sad this year with the fires so close & reminders of all we each hold dear (our homes can you imagine it all gone up in smoke???). I send prayers that everyone has a successful show & all those in the area get back to "normal" as soon as possible.

    WE GOT RAIN TODAY!!!! And it's cooler!!!! Yippeee Skippeeee Maybe this heatwave of a summer is over! Over 70 days of over 100. Just early this week it was 107 can you believe??? HUGS!

  10. Love the idea and the STUNNING necklaces!!! Absolutely gorgeous! If I had any fairae dust, Id send it right over :)


  11. I am going to Round Top for the first time and I can't wait! Yahoo!


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