
Friday, September 16, 2011

Anybody Hungry? It's Time for Some BEAD SOUP!

Happy Saturday Sweeties!
The weekend is here & today is a day many of us SOUPER'S have been waiting for...
it's finally BEAD SOUP Reveal Day!!!
Yipppppeeee.....are you hungry for more?

Here's how it works...
Our fabulous hostess with the mostest, Miss Lori Anderson of Pretty Things blog,
had over 300 jewelry designers from all over the world sign-up this summer to
participate in her much anticipated event. She then paired us up into partners,
with each of us sending our partner a batch of BEAD SOUP.

My partner is Malin de Koning from Sweden & I couldn't have been more pleased
when my ingredients arrived! They were stunning, I LOVED the colors & textures
she included & knew from the moment I saw my soup, I'd be using the glorious
blue ceramic focal & frayed sari silk in my design!

This earthy necklace almost made it's self! Malin had included this fabulous
chunky, wooden button which I knew I HAD to use, so instead of using the clasp she
sent along with the soup, I made a large loop at one end of the sari silk & threaded the
other end through the button tying it off in back. I love the raw & rustic look it created.

I had so many amazing beads to choose from, one of my favorites being
these thick, rough, glass rondelles the color of Root Beer, I decided to
make two pairs of earrings to match my necklace.

All the elements of my design are from Malin's
generous soup ingredients, the only things I added were the keys
& the vintage rosary charm on the necklace.

I ADORE my SOUP & couldn't be more thrilled with the end result.
I want to THANK Malin for sending me such glorious elements,
I want to THANK Lori for working so hard to organizing this Enormous Event
& I want to THANK you, for taking the time to stop by & see what we have all
been up to this summer!

I hope you're all still HUNGRY, cuz there's 364 more SOUPS to visit!
Just click HERE friends, to start your Bead Soup Blog Hop...
I'm grabbing a Starbucks Venti Mocha Frappicino,
that should get me through the 1st 100 or so.
Then I'll have some Chai Tea, a Hazelnut Coffee,
an Espresso, a Latte, some Earl!  ;)



  1. Fabulous work my did a great job with your bead soup ingredients =) Gotta love sari silk don't you? xo

  2. Great colours! What a lovely set you made!

  3. Love what you have done with your soup, it stunning.

  4. I admire you for making such beautiful jewelery- really luv the way you put everything together!

  5. Yum! That ceramic focal and silk are amazing. I love the beads you added to the silk - just the right amount.

  6. WOW!!! *picks up jaw off the ground* this is absolutely stunning!!! Beautiful elements and beautiful pieces it just screams serenity to me. Great job!!! *stops drooling* ;)

  7. Lovely mix of fiber, found and fabulous beads!

  8. Wow, you did a great job! I love the way you made a clasp out of the wooden button and the sari ribbon.
    Deb x

  9. Hi Susie, What a great soup! I love the rustic elegance. Yo and Malin make a great team!

    Enjoy the hop,

  10. A beautiful and unique way to make a necklace, looks like you had fun.

  11. You made Malin´s soup very tasty indeeeeed !!
    I love the chunkiness and still simple in the design...calm in colors..and I must say I do love the soup You sent to Malin...where did You find that awesome cross and those charms...JUMMMM...

  12. Love your necklace and earrings... They are gorgeous! I'm sure you had lots of fun opening up the package and making such pretty pieces!

  13. Very pretty! I love your designs!

  14. Wowsers! Not only are your necklaces and earrings amazing, your blogs are as well (I looked at all three).

    This the first time i've been to your sites. You are very talented woman!

    And you like Junk Gypsy, who offers totally awesome everything(I just finished up at A&M! Whoop!)

  15. I am SO sorry for being late -- today our internet provider decided to crash. My stress level is through the roof, to say the least! They're still working on it, but it's like dial-up.

    I love the Round Rabbit focal -- I have one myself that I'm hoarding. I love how you added the random assortment of things to the dangles. I also wish I could use fiber like so many do -- it's definitely on my list of things to learn.

    I love what you made, and hope you join up again!

    Love, Lori

  16. Pretty! You did a great job of creating with all your treasures!

  17. Wow, 'love the mixed textures, love the blend of colors, well done, so very nice indeed!

  18. Beautiful colour of Blue! I always end up gluing when I use fabric as I don't trust the knots to hold! Really pretty outcome from your soup ingredients!

  19. You did a great job! Love the soft feel of these pieces.

  20. Your soup turned out amazing! I especially love the key earrings, and those little beads that look root beer colored are so neat! Great work. ♥

  21. You've done great work! The focal bead is really great! Have a nice day and I hope you are able to sleep in spite of your cafe ,-) Hugs Doris

  22. Call me stunned. Yep, these are gorgeous! That necklace, with the lovely focal? Divine! And those earrings are just perfect!

    (and I'm on my third cup of tea, have had 2 cups of coffee, and 2 big glasses of diet coke...still hopping like mad ;))

  23. Wow, Malin sent some great ingredients! I love the earrings..I would wear both pairs for sure.

  24. Awesome work, Susie! That blue focal is adorable and I love what you did with it.

  25. Wow Susie! I love what you have made. You have used everything in a way totally how I would not use it. :-) Fantastic! So so inspiring. And a beautiful outcome!

    Now I gotta try stringing beads directly on the silk like that, and wrap glass beads on metal objects like you did with the keys.

    Thanks for a wonderful cooperation!

  26. That Cobalt focal is a stunner!! i adore that Color and I am also Swedish and that color plays a huge role in my life!! what you did with it is glorious!!! I just love it when one can create multiple pieces from one Delicious soup!!!!!
    It is also delightful to meet you!!!
    Now I am off to SWEDEN!!!

  27. What an amazing way to put it all together! I am so very inspired.

  28. How pretty! Great job with the soup you were sent.

  29. Oh! The necklace and both pairs of earrings are so very nice! I'm especially fond of the key earrings! They're beautimous!
    Wonderful, wonderful work!

  30. Beautiful! Love the focal and colors!

  31. What an awesome mix you had to work with. There is a nice organic feel to the elements and you were able to inject a nice touch of femininity. Well done Susie!

  32. I LOVE the piece...the focal is lovely and silk is always a must.

    Thank you soooo much for visiting and leaving kudos.

  33. Oh my heavens, friend! What great soup you had to work with and you totally ROCKED it! Love the use of fibers! YUMMY!

  34. Outstanding creations, Susie -- well done!!

  35. Gorgeous! What a lovely set you made from a beautiful soup by Miss Malin! Love, love it!

  36. What a beautiful soup you made my friend, your work is truly stunning!! Thanks for sharing & all I can say is yummmmmy!!!

  37. What a beautiful focal and what you did with it..totally love the both earrings too with their addition of the glass rondelles and the keys...all so nice.

  38. Love the mix of materials in your bead soup jewelry. Lovely!

  39. What an absolute stunning bead mix...reminds me of the deep ocean blue, pirates ships and found pieces of pottery with the focal. The keys were a nice little added touch to your lovely design

  40. Your pieces are just stunning! And thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog, it really meant alot to me!

  41. Thanks for visiting my blog. Since you came by, I decided to skip to your blog to see what you came up with. I've gotta say, "Wow!" Love it! I would definitely wear that soup.

  42. love your pieces, so pretty!!!

  43. Thanks for dropping by Susie. What a glorious blue focal bead makes me think of summer and blue skies, love what you have made!

  44. Oh, this is outstanding! I would never have thought of combining the round round rabbit focal (love it!) this rough and earthy, but it works! Stunning pieces!

  45. Oh the earrings are so ingenious, both!

  46. Your pieces are simply beautiful! Great work, really!!

  47. Wow - I wouldn't have known what to do with the frayed silk besides pet it. Love how you incorporated it into your designs!

  48. Fantastic design! I love how you carried the sari silk into the earrings as well and used the elements to tie in the pieces. Your work has a wonderful, ecclectic feeling.

  49. Although I love the necklace and the combo of rough and formal I ADORE the little earrings! I always see these little keys and never know what to do with them. Inspired!

  50. perfect mix of fiber & beads, chunky & delicate dangles, great work

  51. I love what you created! You managed to take some very colorful things and make them your own. I really think the bits of sari ribbon are instrumental to creating your style with these pieces! Just beautiful!

  52. I love how you integrated the found objects and the fiber and the earthy beads. Everything came together so harmoniously. Love all your pieces. :D

  53. Raw and rustic sums it up.
    I would wear these pieces over and over.

    What a talent you are!

  54. Cool and creative necklace! I like how you turned that wood button into a clasp. And the earrings look very nice too. Great job!

  55. These pieces amaze me. How you could take such, basically, rustic pieces and come up with something totally feminine is awesome to me. I really love what you've done.

  56. Love what you did with your soup, especially how you just used the ingredients sent, i tried to do the same with mine. Great execution!

  57. Beautiful. Love what you did with the beads and ribbon

  58. i wasn't hungry until i saw that soup!! Now I'm having serious cravings! That is such a yummy soup!!! I love blue and brown earthy and pretty. And the fibers with it...delicious!!!!

    Every once in a while you run into a soup that you want for yourself and this is one of them. I love pieces! They would look so cute with blue jeans! I would wear these pieces with pride!

  59. Pretty blueness! You're right, just having one of those amazing focals and it would seem like the piece made itself. Love the earrings as well!

  60. There's just something about beads and fiber that make me very, very happy! Beautiful!

  61. BEAUTIFUL!!! the ribbon is so lovely and free and fluttery. the key earrings are fantastic!!! you do wonderful work susie!!!

  62. Nice style! Looks like you had fun. That sari silk is everywhere on this bead hop.

  63. Your necklace and earrings are so gorgeous! Very romantic and earthy. You served that soup up real nice!

    Have a great week!

  64. Absolutely gorgeous. Has such tactile appeal --- I want to touch it!!!

  65. Although I'm not usually a big fan of blue, I love that soup. And I really like how you put everything together with the sari silk, using the button as the clasp. It has a very vintage feel to me. And the keys in the pair of earrings really carries that theme through. Very nice job.

  66. The pieces are stunning. So beautiful and unique. Yet fun too, like you are. I lived the first six years of my life in Long Beach. Was born in 1959. Wonder if we knew each other? I am glad to get to know you through BSBP, you have an awesomely positive spirit. Love the look of your blogs--inspiring!

  67. You make the frayed silk look so easy - but I have a feeling it's not. You're very talented and you turned out some sweet finished creations! Love the old photos and feel of your blog.

  68. wow, super the key elements and those earrings with the the texture in your creations....

  69. Well done, wonderful pieces! I especially love those blue earrings! Greetings, Michi

  70. Love your pieces - so romantic. The addition of the fabric is the icing on the cake:-)

  71. Great colours, fab focal. Lovely soup! :o)

  72. Wow - your soup was beautiful, and I love what you've done with it! I especially love the addition of the ribbon to the earrings!

  73. Love the Round Rabbit focal and you've set it off so nicely. Great job!

  74. Susie - I love what you did with Malin's soup - cobalt blue is one of my favorite colors, and I think your finished pieces are wonderful! Well done, my dear!

  75. Beautiful necklace! The key earrings are fun!

  76. Ok, I was already loving the little earrings with the silk, then I saw the necklace up close. Yum!, it's like little soft bits of fur between each bead! That is so cool! And Malin seems like such a fun person, glad you got her for a partner. Have fun hopping!

  77. There is something in your necklace that brings me to the sea. I love it! Great work!

  78. Beautiful job with all the soup mix you received! I love that focal piece and all your little charms attached. Blue is one of my favorite colors to wear, so I hope you enjoy wearing this, because I know I would! Thanks for your sweet comments on my soup mix. It really meant a lot to me! Have a great week!

  79. Very beautiful! Jeans and cowboy boots...kinda beautiful...really love this!

  80. I love the beads that you received and your necklace is gorgeous! I love the use of ribbon. So feminine and wonderful.

  81. Beautiful pieces. I love the blue and brown theme you have going. I love the use of sari silk. I have really been enjoying working with it myself :)

    They key earrings are my very favorite and I love the little dangles at the bottoms of the earrings. They look like a button with a little rhinestone center :)

  82. I love your necklace design - the focal is really gorgeous and it really is the focus of the whole piece. But I especially love the key earrings. They look fantastic!

  83. Your necklace is divine! Love your sweet earrings!!

  84. The silk looks great...I also like how you used the button as the clasp...two pairs of earrings are fun too...lovely soup results....

  85. Always like to see fibers used in jewelry design and your use really makes the elements shine. Great job.

  86. INcredible piece. Love the way you used the focal. But please make the music stop playing or add a pause button at the top. I almost clicked away and that would be a shame to miss your incredible work.

  87. Lovely pieces you had to work with. The key earrings are sweet! You did a really Soup-er job!

  88. I am so sorry I am so late hopping your way. My computer dug it's heels in and said Not gon'a go thaat fast.:^)
    Your designs are nothing short of amazing.
    Be blessed to be a blessing

  89. All very pretty & funky & organic. Love especially the earrings with the pieces of silk. I haven't used fibers in my jewelry and I getting so inspired by these gorgeous pieces!

  90. Me likey it all Susie, great job. Thanks for visiting mine too! Yummy, just yummy. Riki xox

  91. I love how you brought all the elements together - the blue is so pretty combined with the frayed ribbon.

    Julie and Andrea

  92. love what you did to your soup pieces! i love the vintage feel and admire anyone who can do that type of work!

  93. Love your soup and fibre in your designs. Those key earrings are very cute too.

  94. Such fabulous pieces, full of texture and color - beautiful! :)

  95. OK I'm finally getting to your BS reveal. You're #126 and I had to do them in order 'cause I'm just that way.

    I love, love, love the frayed ribbon on that beautiful necklace you made. All the pieces are just lovely.

  96. What yummy soup you've made! Love the way you've mixed textures and the fibers!

  97. Beautiful! Wonderful colors and textures!

  98. Blue and brown is one of my favorite color combinations, and you did a nice job of combining lots of textures into these pieces. Lovely!

  99. Love what you did with the soup! I like the dangles you added to the ceramic focal. All of the pieces are great!

  100. Very nice. I love the textures, colors and design. I have watched your designs and you are one to admire. I love your blog too. Thanks for sharing. Cherrie

  101. Love the way you used the beads on the silk. Great necklace!!!

  102. Love, Love, Love your necklace! Wonderful vintage grace and your personality shines brightly in your creations!
    Thank you for visiting my blog and your wonderful comments!
    You probably didn't have time to check out my video about glass lampwork beads while you were visiting my blog. I hope one day you will have the time. I am on a mission to spread the word about what glass lampworking is! Thanks!

  103. Susie, I am making my rounds slowly but surely. I have to say your Bead Soup piece is really stunning! It is right up my alley. :-) I like the way you incorporated the sari silk, in a different way, not merely as a simple accent, but as the actual cording for the necklace. The earrings are beautiful too!

  104. Love everything you put together. The silk really makes it!!!

  105. Very interesting design out of some really neat ingredients.


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!