
Friday, January 20, 2012

Pinterest & Inspired Soldering

{pictures from pinterest}

Happy TGIF Sweet Hearts!!!!
I hope you had an AMAZING week...
I know I did cuz this week, I discovered Pinterest!!!

I'm ALWAYS the last to know right, what's UP with that??
Well, here's my theory...
I spend soooooooo much time on the computer working,
I mean like ALL day, a lot of days,
that I'm already filled with guilt about not being present.
There's Email...
My Blogs...
Blog Design...
Reading Other Blogs...
Photo Downloads...
Spoonin  Website Revisions...
My Kindle Fire...
The idea of one more social media to have to nurture & maintain
was too overwhelming & I had no interest at all in adding to my already full plate.
And then I actually went into Pinterest....

& fell madly in LOVE with everything I saw!!!

So here's my boards...
vintagesusie & wings

Queen of Everything

Needful Things

Jewelry Inspiration

Pearly Love

Junky Love


Words to Live By

Places I've Been & Love

Places I Dream Of

Design Inspiration


Bucket List

Love Old Pictures

Sooooooo, once more I will say to you...
can anybody say OCD!!!!
I'm addicted to Pinterest!!!
I spend my nights {sometimes days, lol}
dreaming of the things I love & looking longingly at the
gorgeous images found in Pinterest, I ADORE it!

The GREAT news is, Pinterest INSPIRES me to CREATE.
So today, I overcome my fear of soldering & make this!!
{well maybe something LIKE this, lol}

{click on photo for soldering tutorial}
I'll be giving you an update on my soldering progress,
as last time I tried it was a complete failure.
Why does it scare me so???
I feel like a 2 year old...HOTTTTT!
Anyway, wish me luck & go forth & PIN!!!!



  1. I love Pinterest too. At first I refused to be pulled in. After all, I don't need another 'time sucker'. But once I saw the lovely things being posted I jumped right in. I just started following your lovely boards, but mine are woefully empty. And, for the life of me, I can't figure out how to pin things I see around the web on to Pinterest.....

    I love your soldered piece! Gorgeous colors and textures. But when I click on the photo I only get a larger size of the same image rather than a tutorial. And it scares the bageebers out of me to--the thought of soldering with actual fire...

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I too am slow to do the "in" thing but Pinterest is so much fun huh? I especially like it that you get the notices of who else pinned what you've pinned. I think it's kinda like kinship when it happens.....saw your name on my list too. Thanks darling. Love what you are doing now a days. Oma Linda

  3. Hi Susie,

    I just recently started pinterest too! I'll go look for you. :) I'm afraid I'm getting addicted to!

  4. Love Pinterest and LOVE that you took your first step on soldering! You are an artist and you can do anything Susie! Beautiful images. Ciao Rita

  5. OH yes... I just started pinning myself.. I lOVE it..

  6. Pinterest is amazing - fun, addictive, inspirational, fascinating!!! Welcome to the madness!

  7. So happy to see you on Pinterest! It is an amazing place isn't it? So full of beauty and inspiration! I too am in love with it! Can't wait to spend some time looking at your boards!

  8. Ive dabbed in pinterest too! Its Brilliant isnt it? SO much stuff to look at and inspire!!! Thanks for sharing this and I do hope your soldering will go well, thank you for the tutorial! :)


  9. Pinterest is a little slice of heaven isn't it?!!
    Off to check out your boards!

  10. Me too! It's how I found you. I have found so many wonderful artists and designers of all inspiring. And the tutorials! How am I going to have the time to create all of these things? :D Love your work!

  11. Welcome to my world!!!! I too am an addict. HUGS!


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