
Sunday, January 15, 2012

W.H.O.A. Women Helping One Another

Have you ever said to yourself..

Well lately, I've been saying it quite a lot & here's why...
A new blog is coming out, the brain child of my dear friend
& the concept is beautifully simple.

I have been touched by WHOA, as I'm sure so many of you have.
I know from personal experience, that the women in my life
have truly been...The Wind Beneath My Wings!

When I first starting blogging a few years back after looking through a
gorgeous Artful Blogging magazine, having never even read a blog before,
it was the kind & generous comments from my friends that encouraged me
to continue & in doing so, opened up a world of unknown possibilities to me.

WHOA is the soft nest we can land in as we start a new business venture
or try to accomplish something that's been in our heart for a long time,
but we just didn't feel secure enough to take that leap of faith.
Jenelle's goal is to create a community of women who will be
there for each other to offer support & encouragement,
networking & advice, contact's & idea's.

A place women can go, to truly feel unafraid to speak their dreams out loud.
A place where they will be surrounded by love & positive energy.
A place where each & every one of us can find JOY in knowing
we are a part of something so very special, as we watch
our sisters Spread Their Wings & Fly!

Such a simple concept, something we do everyday without even thinking about it.
And the key to this groups success is going to be, you & me.
It's US. The universal US.

Jenelle is going to be a Guest Curator at CRESCENDOh
on January 16th & I hope you all take this chance to get to
know her a little better. Check out all of her talents & the
things that shes involved in, but most importantly...
head over to WHOA & become a follower.

Together, you & I,
we can make dreams come true.
We can change someone's life.
I know you all changed mine!!!!



  1. Sounds lovely. I just became a follower.

  2. Sounds wonderful!!!! I'll have to check out when she is on CRESCENDOH. Have you seen Jenny's new book yet? I've heard a lot about it. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend. I miss you!
    Hugs! Charlene

  3. thank you for sharing this susie - i even broke my rule of not following a link off a blog until i had finished reading... i am a follower... this past year i was saved by women friends... this is a beautiful concept...

  4. Susie-
    I am so moved by your post - in tears, just filled with gratitude for your friendship and generous spirit. Your contribution to W.H.O.A. -beyond the amazingly beautiful blog design-is monumental. A deep heartfelt thank you. W.H.O.A!!


  5. What a great idea, loved this post! Enjoyed your blog and love your header.


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!